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Profile Image beatnik crab 🦀


I'm mostly into cacti, aloes, and other heat tolerant succulents, and more recently hoyas and some tropicals. Phoenix, AZ. USDA zone 9b, heat zone 11.

Selenicereus Grandiflorus syn. Cactus grandiflorus, Cereus grandiflorus

  • Season Icon Late AutumnLate Autumn 2020
  • Like Count 7

Welp, it finally happened. My husband finally knocked over this pot of awkward, scraggly plants that I'd placed on a precarious shelf in the shower for lack of anywhere else to keep them. Honestly I'm impressed it took as long as it did. Nbd, I took the opportunity to repot and stand some stems upright, and give it a trim. Now I have some cuttings! Anyone interested in a trade? Offer me something fun that doesn't need humidity! 😂 This needs humidity, which has been problematic for me in AZ. 😝
