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Profile Image beatnik crab 🦀


I'm mostly into cacti, aloes, and other heat tolerant succulents, and more recently hoyas and some tropicals. Phoenix, AZ. USDA zone 9b, heat zone 11.

Tephrocactus articulatus 'Diadematus' syn. Tephrocactus articulatus var. diadematus

  • Season Icon Mid WinterMid Winter 2021
  • Like Count 14

This was a temporary situation that turned fairly permanent. The pot (and several more like it) was a souvenir from Hatch, NM (where the chilis come from), and was sitting around unutilized. I had the cactus cuttings that needed a pot. I put the two together "temporarily," and it's been about 3 years. 😅 Today I finally got the perfect plant for this pot, and had a heck of a time getting these out! But first I snapped a photo to commemorate their time together.
