Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmer' (Endless Summer Series) syn. Hydrangea macrophylla 'Endless Summer', Hydrangea macrophylla 'The Original'
Hydrangea 'Endless Summer'
Late Summer 2019
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Mid Summer 2019
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Late Spring 2019
- 4
Late Spring 2019
- 3
Mid Spring 2019
- 4
Mid Spring 2019
- 5
Mid Spring 2019
- 4

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmer' (Endless Summer Series) syn. Hydrangea macrophylla 'Endless Summer', Hydrangea macrophylla 'The Original'
Late Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2019

New sets of blooms on my #hydrangea #endlesssummer 25.07.19 💜💚
Late Spring 2019

Good Morning! 💜

Pretty cups/bowls/vases 😊

@bluefox23 thanks Alison. They were the 20p clearance Hyacinth and Amaryllis kit I bought in January.. transferred my bulbs outside so I thought I’ll use them as vases for now. Have a lovely day.. 💜

Thanks 😊 good way to #reuse them
Late Spring 2019

Before this beauty gets really old and droopy, decided to cut it so I get to enjoy some colour pop indoors. Thinking to dry and keep it too. 💜

Ooh pretty

@DeborahBanks thanks,it’s starting to go a little brown but did not want any spent bloom to go to waste.. hehe.. take care ~
Mid Spring 2019

Love #hydrangea 💜💕💜

Such a pretty one 😍 did watering help it stand up better?

@kez001uk Thanks Kerry, yes the water definitely helped. I also added some plant support as flowers are quite heavy xx

@bellabells I’m glad 😁 surprising how dense those flower heads get isn’t it 😜
Mid Spring 2019

My #hydrangea is bending downwards. Any general care tips would be well appreciated xx

Perhaps the flower heads are just too heavy for the stems? It could also be lack of water, they are very thirsty plants 🤔🤔

I agree with Jane’s suggestion of more water, Bella. They hate to dry out! @bellabells 💦💦💦

@pelly @jacaranda thanks for your response. I will start looking for plant support as flowers do look heavy. Also I will keep the soil moist to be on the safe side 😊☺️💕

I hope it works for you 👍👍
Mid Spring 2019

Bought this beauty from LIDL today but did not put it outside yet since it’s so windy. Care and propagation tips are very welcome.. 😊💕

That’s a beauty 😍 love hydrangeas 🤩 I don’t know much about them except they like full sun or a little shade and need watering well. And these types don’t get pruned until the new growth starts to appear in spring

@kez001uk Thanks Kerry...💕Yes they are so lovely. I will do my best not to try to take cuttings too early if that is the case. I also might leave repotting a bit later as I made a mistake last time.. 😅

@bellabells I think you take softwood cuttings in summer but not 100% sure as I haven’t tried before. I do hope you have success with this one, it’s gorgeous 😁
#hydrangea #endlesssummer 💚💜
The colours are just so beautiful 😍