Agave victoriae-reginae 'Golden Princess'
Queen Victoria agave
Late Summer 2018
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Late Summer 2018
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Late Summer 2018
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Agave victoriae-reginae 'Golden Princess'
Late Summer 2018
Late Summer 2018

Minor surgery. Removed 5 pups (one by accident), and she still has 6 attached.

Late Summer 2018

Not sure if this is the right ID. It's definitely one of the Queen Victoria agaves, so I'm happy. This has been on my wish list for a while, and I found it for $5. 😃

$5??? What a great deal!! Look at all those pups!!

@sushiwaitress I know! I need to repot now that I'm home but not sure whether to leave the babies attached.

@BetteMcD maybe ask for advice in the Planet Agave-Agavoides group on fb. They helped me with a question I had about mine. I do know that the longer you leave the pups attached to the mom, the stronger they'll get and have a better chance of survival. But they already look plenty strong!

@sushiwaitress Okay, cool! I'll join that group. Was thinking of passing a couple on at a plant swap next month. 😁

@BetteMcD you will make so many people so ecstatic!
Potted up post-surgery