I love leaves with texture, I’m currently propagating begonias from leaf cuttings, 23 species by leaf. So far 14 baby Begonias and 21 more on the way. Your peperomias reminded me a lot of begonias. Stems leaves fussy, texture, silver, hairy . Been interested in peperomias, so far a have just a a Rosso
They grow a lot like begonias
@docthrill I like this one a lot! I can see that it all grew from one leaf. Looking forward to propagating it.
I love leaves with texture, I’m currently propagating begonias from leaf cuttings, 23 species by leaf. So far 14 baby Begonias and 21 more on the way. Your peperomias reminded me a lot of begonias. Stems leaves fussy, texture, silver, hairy . Been interested in peperomias, so far a have just a a Rosso
@docthrill I didn't know begonias could grow from a leaf, too. How cool!