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Profile Image Michy ❤🌿 Michelle


Just a girl loving nature 🌿 All my own Plants 🌱 Mostly houseplants (I have over 120😳😅)🍃 BC girl always 🥰

Solanum Lycopersicum var. cerasiforme 'Terenzo'

  • Season Icon Mid SummerMid Summer 2021
  • Like Count 12

I have TOMATERS!! 🍅🥰 A rescue from the Plant Shelter (WallyWorld) this baby was a stick of a plant, barely any leaves, the ones she did have were yellowing and she wilted like a 90 year old 🍆 I had to take her home and look at her now!! 💪🏻 Hustling her tomato ass! ❤👍🏻
