Mid Spring 2019
Early Spring 2017

Good evening all! Very pleased that my #camassia has a flower bud as it's my first time growing them! My latest weekly photo #blog is up if anyone is interested! You can find it at the following link - 😀

Fantastic photo Ian 😊

@jaynehynesburton - Thank you Jayne! 😀

I am terrible with modern things like tweeting and what's it's name the other thing but anyway, just clicked on the link you put on, I can see me becoming more modern. Your blog is fabulous and the photos are stunning Ian

Fabulous Ian, wonder where I put mine this year always put it in wrong place as mistake it fora daf 😁

Evening Ian @bigemrg just had a read of your blog Wedding Gift is Wow Amazing pic 👌😍. Hope your feline friend is ok & recovery well 😀 Great blog enjoyable read with Stunning pics 👌👏👏

@jaynehynesburton - Aww, thanks again Jayne! That's so nice of you to say! 😀

@Keely - Haha! I keep most of my plants in pots so don't have that problem Keely! 😀

What a great photo!

Very elegant 👌

@jadojado29 - Good evening Suzie! Thank you! Yes, I'm loving how Wedding Gift look too! The cat is looking a bit better, but has a limp, and is off his food! Fingers crossed he'll make a speedy recovery! 😀

@titchyfra - Thanks very much Franca! 😀
Good morning GTers! My #camassia is looking rather stunning at the moment! Have a fab Friday everyone! 😀 #blue
@cyndi - Thanks Cyndi! 😀
Very pretty !!!
@sherrisgarden - Thanks Sherri! 😀
You're most welcome
Morning camassias 💙
@juliesgarden - Morning Julie! Me too! This is the first time this one has flowered, despite having flower buds for the last couple of years - they got eaten by some hungry critter! 😀
Love the delicacy of this beauty
Good morning Ian beautiful flower🤗
@kathy - Morning Kathy! Yes, they're quite fragile looking aren't they? 😀
@godfreye - Morning Enid! Thank you! 😀