Dianthus barbatus
Sweet William
Early Summer 2017
- 11
Early Summer 2017
- 11
Early Summer 2016
- 27
Early Summer 2016
- 17
Early Summer 2016
- 5

Dianthus barbatus
Early Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

Good morning GTers! Love these pure #white #dianthus blooms which have popped up without any help from me! Won't be around much today as I have an all day meeting and I'm out for a meal with our meeting guests tonight! Have a terrific Tuesday everyone! 😀

I have some white ones too. I really quite like them😍

@SikoMa - Yes, they make a nice change to the usual shades of pinks! 😀

Morning Ian, you too! Sounds like you've got a very busy one 😀

@christineb - Good morning Christine! Thanks! Yes, busy busy at the moment! 😀

Good morning Ian ......very pretty. Have a productive day and a lovely evening :)

Good morning Ian do they smell as good as they look 💟

Morning, sounds like a great day ahead Ian, what sweet little flowers 😊

Morning Ian , have a great day ☺️

Beautiful scent

@flof1952 @nessas @titchyfra @juliesgarden @kathy - Good evening all! Sorry for the late reply! I knew I was going to get busy but not quite as busy as I have done! Oh, and yes, they smell lovely! 😀
Early Summer 2016

Good evening GTers! What a damp wet miserable day we've had! At least the raindrops make the #dianthus look pretty! 😀

Stunning pic 💕💕

Oh dear pretty pink 💕

@bigemrg ........absolutely brilliant photo Ian :)

@suki54 - Thank you very much Susan! 😀

@Keely - Pretty indeed! 😀

@flof1952 - Thanks so much Pauline! 😀

Perfection 💕🌸💕

Great photo. It's been dry and very humid here today. Desperate for some 💧☔💧

They really do! 💖💖

@debs69 - Thanks Debra! 😀

@vec - Thank you Julie! Please, no more rain here! My plants are virtually floating out of their pots! 😀
Early Summer 2016

Good evening GTers! The sun came out this afternoon and with it came these pretty little #dianthus flowers! 😀

They're gorgeous 😙Ian


@charlottejhurst @juliesgarden - Thank you both! 😀

Good evening @bigemrg.. That's lovely

@stephent - Evening! Thanks Stephen! 😁

@bigemrg 👍 😉

@bigemrg... Your website page has some great pics!

Very pretty 💕

@stephent - Thanks Stephen! I try and post at least one article a week to keep it current! My latest article is always at www.bigemrg.co.uk/blog/latest - Next one is out tomorrow! 😀

@debs69 - Thanks Debra! 😀

@bigemrg.. I'll watch for it via Twitter?
Good morning GTers! I'm very pleased with how these Sweet William are turning out despite having no idea where they've come from! Have a super Sunday everyone! 😀 #pink #dianthus
Morning again Ian, what a lovely surprise 😊😊😊
@pelly - Definitely Jane! I've got three or four different colour varieties all in the same wooden trough that I was going to throw away as it's falling to bits! Other than these it's empty! A very pleasant mystery! 😀
Good morning Ian ......certainly a very welcome surprise. Grew mine from seed this year ....they put on a great display. Have a lovely day :)
A keeper
Morning Ian. Nice freebie 😍
Morning, well they're a lovely surprise! Must've been a gift from the birdies! 🌸
@flof1952 - Good morning Pauline! I'd never really considered growing them from seed before and didn't realise how many different varieties there were! Might try and do them properly next year! 😀
@kathy - Most definitely Kathy! 😀
@vec - Good morning Julie! Free plants are always a nice surprise aren't they? 😀
@rachelbrooks - Morning Rachel! Definitely a lovely surprise! They must've come from somewhere and my feathered friends are as good an explanation as any! 😀