Eremurus x isabellinus 'Cleopatra'
Foxtail Lily 'Cleopatra'
Early Spring 2019
- 15
Late Winter 2018
- 5

Eremurus x isabellinus 'Cleopatra'
Early Spring 2019
Late Winter 2018

Good afternoon all! Was in the garden earlier and was very excited to see this #newgrowth appearing! I bought this #foxtaillily last year and it promptly disappeared, so I thought it was a gonna! Don't think they like being wet so I think I'm going to pot it up in some compost that's mixed with at least 50% grit and gravel! Any advice welcome! #eremurus

Oh I must go and see if mine have appeared 🤓

@juliesgarden - I've got my fingers crossed for you Julie! 😀

Blimey! That is early 😳 I think I better check mine too - due for snow this weekend so hoping it doesn’t impact anything

@richard.spicer.7906 - Yeah, very early! I was wondering if something else could have strayed into the pot but I don't think so! We're forecast snow too so I think I'll move them into the greenhouse over the weekend! 😀
Good afternoon all! Was having a mooch around the garden earlier and came across my #foxtaillily sprouting! I'm hoping for better things this year after two years of it simply disappearing! It's potted up in 50% grit / compost mix as I read they hated standing in water, and have them in a sheltered spot, but still no luck! Any #advice on how to get them to flower or even get past this stage would be most welcome! 😀 #newgrowth
I’ve had the same problem with them Ian , apparently don’t like being planted too deep , so I’ve redone mine , fingers crossed 🤞 😬
@juliesgarden - Oh no! Mine aren't too deeply planted, I don't think! They're covered by about three inches of grit and compost! I've got my fingers crossed for yours too! 😀
I was just rewatching old episodes of Gardener's World and Monty said they need to be planted shallowly, just an inch below the soil level. Plenty of grit and compost for good drainage. 👍👍
@ublaszko - Thanks Urszula! Mine have plenty of grit so maybe they're too deep at three inches? I'll have to take another look at them! 😀
You could just scrape off the top 2 inches as they need to be exposed to the sun and warmth. I'm not sure in terms of soil fertility if they need very poor soil. I've just been repotting my nerines as I didn't know they actually need to be above soil level and I used last year's compost so it's poor in nutrients.
@ublaszko - Okay Urszula, that's a good idea! I'll try that tomorrow! Yes, Nerines need to have part of the bulb exposed to the sun or you'll just get lots of leaves and no flowers! 😀
Yep, that's what happened last autumn. The label didn't say anything about shallow planting 😬 Shame I won't get flowers for another year or two because they don't like to be moved. Good luck with your foxtail lilies! 👍👍
@ublaszko - Thanks Urszula, and good luck with your Nerines! 😀
4 of the 5 ‘bulbs’ Planted in the autumn have just appeared 👍🏻 I’ve got free draining sandy soil so I’m hoping they perform 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
@telswirld - That's great! 👍 I don't seem to have a problem getting them to appear, but they always seem to disappear before they're due to flower! 😔
Interesting 🤔 🤞🏻🤞🏻