Felicia amelloides
Blue Marguerite
Late Winter 2020
- 11
Late Winter 2019
- 13
Late Winter 2019
- 20
Mid Spring 2018
- 3
Late Winter 2018
- 22
Mid Winter 2018
- 15
Mid Winter 2018
- 9
Early Autumn 2018
- 25
Late Autumn 2017
- 39

Felicia amelloides
Late Winter 2020
Late Winter 2019

Good evening GTers! It's a bit late in the day but I've been busy this week and won't be around much! However I didn't want to miss #wildlifewednesday today! So here's a tiny #greenfly enjoying the delights of one of my #felicia blooms! Hope everyone is having a wonderful week! 😀 #bug #bugs #insect #wildlife #macro

Evening Ian, that's a great close up 💙

@anges - Evening Ange and thank you! Didn't even see the little guy until I got the photos uploaded to the computer! They're really tiny! 😀

Beautiful 🥂☺️🤗😊💕

A little surprise then 😁

@terrimclaughlin - Thanks Terri! The greenfly must think so too! 😀

@anges - Most definitely Ange! Love these types of photographic surprise! 😀

That's the beauty of digital photography, so much shows up after . Great photo👍🏻👍🏻

Stunning capture! 💙

@kylers - Thanks Kylee! It happened in film photography too, but it took two or three weeks to get the surprise instead of a few seconds! 😀

@KariSamuel - Thanks very much Kari! 😀

Fabulous shot 👍👍👏
Late Winter 2019

Good morning GTers! After a very brief rest my beautiful #blue #felicia are flowering again! This was taken yesterday just before the hail arrived so they're probably destroyed now! Oh well, I'm sure they'll recover! Have a terrific Tuesday everyone! 😀

Morning Ian...💙

Morning Ian , I love my Felicia , such a beautiful blue 💙💙

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom - Good morning Elaine! 😀

@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! I love mine too! They seem to flower all year round! 😀

They do ! 👍

Beautiful colour 💙💛💙

Afternoon Ian, the colour is stunning, I think I may need these in my garden 💙💙

Oh, it won't let me add this to my wish list!! 😢😢

@lovemygarden65 - They are Marilyn, and there are lots of them! 😀

@pelly - Afternoon Jane! It is, and you definitely do! Oh no, wonder what went wrong? App must be having one of those days! Scratch😜😀

Afternoon Ian, I've just tried again and it still won't do it although I've tried a couple more of your plants and they were fine 🤔🤔
Mid Spring 2018

It wasn't difficult to pick my personal #bestofapril plant as it has been the most prolific bloomer in my garden for months! Even being under six inches of snow earlier this year hasn't dissuaded it from flowering! If it continues for another couple of months it'll have flowered for 12 months straight! 😀 #blue #felicia

Amazing little plants to have been flowering for so long a period of time💙💜

@kathy - I honestly can't believe it Kathy! I've done literally nothing for them since planting them up in a pot either, other than water them occasionally! I'd thoroughly recommend them! 😀
Late Winter 2018

Good morning GTers! Don't worry, the snow hasn't returned! This is just one of the images in my weekly photo #blog which you can see at the following link if you're interested - www.bigemrg.co.uk/blog/latest Have a fabulous Friday everyone! 😀 #blue #felicia

Morning Ian 💙

Morning @tina 😀

Morning Ian , that’s a fabulous shot, great blog as always. Have a great day !😉☺️

@juliesgarden - Morning Julie! Thank you! Have a good one too! 😀

Morning Mr beautiful photo as always 💙👍🏻

@nessas - Morning Vanessa and thank you! 😀

Just a gorgeous photo Ian!

@Muzz67 - Thanks very much Jacqui! 😀

Good morning Ian. Great photo ....have a fab Friday 😊

@flof1952 - Good morning Pauline! Thank you! Have a fab one too! 😀

Beautiful capture Ian 💙
Mid Winter 2018

Good morning GTers! Despite the best efforts of the weather to kill them off, my little #blue #felicia blooms are still persisting! Have a fabulous Friday everyone! 😀

Morning again Ian, my yellow one has had one or two blooms on it all winter, they’re fabulous plants. 💙💛

Morning Ian no heating her 💛💙💛💙

Morning Ian👐

Morning Ian , I do love macro , don’t you 💙💙 , have a fab Friday 👍👍

@bigemrg Morning Ian. Great picture, as always. 😊

Morning Ian @bigemrg what a fighter to still be blooming such delicate flowers you would have thought they would be long gone by now 💙 just goes to show how plants can surprise you 😍

Morning Ian great how the survive lovely picture 👌💙💙

Morning Ian fantastic pic, such tough little cookies 😍👍

@pelly @Keely @Denise16 @juliesgarden @mikethegardener @jadojado29 @pauline33 @daisy-jane - Good morning all! Sorry for the group reply but I'm a bit pushed for time today! Will catch up with everyone tomorrow! 😀

Don't be sorry Ian I have to do it sometimes too,life gets in the way 😄😁👍

Is group replies thought badly of? Oops I do it all the time, pretty little flower & great pic
Mid Winter 2018

Good afternoon GTers! I was very surprised to see that some of my pretty little #felicia plants are about to flower again! Quite appropriate for the #tuesdaychoice #tuesdaytreats tag I thought! Hope everyone's day is going well! 😀

Lovely 📷 too!

@lovestogarden - Thank you Janice! 😀

This is a stunning pic! @bigemrg

@tinaaune - Thank you very much! 😀

Fabulous photo Mr 👍🏻👍🏻

@nessas - Thanks very much Vanessa! 😀

Just so beautiful😃Love that shot @bigemrg 👏

@sho47 - Thank you Shona! So nice of you to say! 😀
Early Autumn 2018

Good morning GTers! My beautiful #blue #felicia plants have only recently finished flowering, although this picture was taken back in September! I hope they return soon! Have a super Saturday everyone! 😀

Morning Ian, you too 💙💙

@pelly - Morning, will do! 😀

Morning Ian pretty one 💙💙

@Keely - Morning Keely! Isn't it? 😀

Morning Ian, me too cannot wait for spring!! Have a lovely weekend 😊😊😊

@mrsflowerpot - Good morning Beck! Enjoy your weekend too! 😀

I'm looking forward to all the flowers returning too! But old man winter is not done with us yet 😧

@treefrog44 - Spring will be here before we know it Theresa! 😀

Good morning Mr well isn’t she just beautiful 💙

@nessas - Good morning Vanessa! Yes she is! 😀

@bigemrg Morning Ian 👍
Late Autumn 2017

Good afternoon GTers! I simply can't believe it has been nearly three months since I uploaded anything! Life has been hectic! It's the first time I've been in my neglected garden for months, and I was quite surprised to see this little #blue #felicia still flowering - despite the heavy frost this morning! Hope everyone is well and looking forward to Christmas! 🎅😀

Such a pretty flower Ian🤗

@godfreye - Thanks Enid! Yes it is! Was surprised to see it still flowering so late in the year though! 😀

Good to have you back Ian 👍

Hi Ian, that is gorgeous!

@jeatacake - Thanks Jeff! I'm still busy but hopefully I'll be able to post at least once or twice a week from now on! 😀

I was just thinking about you the other day when it was macro 😊 great shot as always,glad to see you back 🤗

Great to have you back Ian 😊

@Denise16 - Thanks very much Denise! 😀

@harebell - Aww, thanks Della! Didn't mean to disappear for so long! 😀

@christineb - Thanks very much Christine! 😀

Love it Mr.G! 👌🏻
Good morning GTers! The pretty little #felicia flowers started early this year! 😀 #blue
Good morning @bigemrg 👋. How’re things with you?
@mikethegardener - Good morning Mike! Not bad all things considered! 👍
Morning Ian .. love this little flower 💙
This is so pretty, love the blue
Perfect photo
Beautiful photo 💙
Stunning capture, lovely flower
@juliesgarden @berecs @sharonhayden @lilybee @thehardygardener - Thanks very much for your lovely comments! Pretty little flower isn't it? 😀
Stunning photo! Love this 😊😊💙💙
@midnightgardener - Thanks Christine! Very kind of you to say! 😀