Galanthus nivalis
Snowdrop (Species) Common Snowdrop
Mid Winter 2019
- 6
Mid Winter 2019
- 19
Late Winter 2018
- 21
Mid Winter 2018
- 22
Mid Winter 2018
- 29
Late Winter 2018
- 34
Late Winter 2017
- 24
Late Winter 2017
- 27
Mid Winter 2017
- 13

Galanthus nivalis
Mid Winter 2019
Mid Winter 2019

Good morning GTers! My first #snowdrop has arrived! It's just one of plants to feature in my weekly photo #blog which you can see at the following link if you're interested - Have a fantastic Friday everyone! 😀 #white #galanthus

Morning Ian, super pic 🤓 have a good day

@debs69 - Morning Debra! Thank you! You too! 😀

Good morning Ian. Another great blog .....super photos. Have a fabulous Friday 👋🙂👌

@flof1952 - Thanks very much Pauline! Glad you enjoyed it! Enjoy your day! 😀

Morning Ian, I haven’t seen as many down here for years, they are so pretty

@kathy - Good morning Kathy! I'm so disappointed with mine! I planted fifty 'in the green' plants a couple of years ago - last year three flowered, this year only two have turned up! 😢

Oh that is sad, mine are spreading like mad, think the rabbits have a paw in it🤣

Morning Ian...I seem to have same problem with them , only had 3 too 😫

Beautiful 💚 I’ve planted loads over the last three years as well Ian...some bulbs, some in the green and some potted ones. I’ve got 6 or 7 come up in one spot this year 🙄🙈 and a couple in the other border. Better than the two I got last year!

@kathy - Hehe! Glad you're having such good success with them! 😀

@juliesgarden - Oh no Julie! I wonder what we're doing wrong? 😞
Late Winter 2018

Good morning GTers! One of only three #snowdrop plants to flower from a batch of fifty 'in the green' plants I planted last spring! Such a disappointing return! Oh well! Have a marvellous Monday everyone! 😀 #white

Oh that is very disappointing Mr 😤☺️

@nessas - It certainly is, but I'm hoping they're saving up their energy for next year! 😀

Morning Ian , never mind , this is a lovely one though, always next year 👍 , have a great day ☺️

Fingers crossed for you Mr 👍🏻

@juliesgarden - Morning Julie! Yeah, I'm hoping they overslept and will all come back next year! 😀

Morning Ian 🙋🏽

Morning @tina 😀

Fingers crossed for next year 😊😊

@pelly - Cheers Jane! 😀

I only had one snowdrop after 3 years 😅 Keeping my fingers crossed more will flower next year

Morning Ian. Exactly the same with mine...out of about 50 only 10 appeared and then only 3 flowered! 🙄 maybe they’re just slow starters..? 😬 #theresalwaysnextyear
Mid Winter 2018

Good morning GTers! Isn't it nice to see the #snowdrop community coming to life? This is just one of the images in my weekly photo #blog which you can see at the following link if you're interested - Have a terrific Thursday everyone! 😀 #white

Morning Ian will have a ganders later have a good day

Morning Ian, great blog again with some fantastic shots, I’m with you for the Snowdrop pic but the Pigeon in flight is amazing. 👍👍

Loving the head shot of the pigeon such lovely colours captured close up Ian

Morning Ian...beautiful capture 💚

Good morning Ian. Another great blog ......super photos as usual but the pigeon pics were stunning. Enjoy your day 😊👋

Morning Mr fab photos pigeon shots were fantastic as well as the ikle fishie ☺️👍🏻

Morning Ian @bigemrg Great blog Fab pic of pigeon. Snowdrops are such elegant flowers always nice to see 😍

Morning Ian , love them . Have a fab day 👍👍

@Keely - Morning Keely! Thanks! Love the dark red eye of that pigeon! 😀

@pelly - Good morning Jane and thanks very much! Yes, the light shining through the feathers really makes that shot I think! 😀

@harebell - Thanks Della, and good morning! 😀
Mid Winter 2018

Good morning GTers! I thought these #snowdrops looked lovely in the early morning sunshine at the weekend! This is just one of the images in my weekly photo #blog which you can see at the following link if you're interested - Have a great Thursday everyone! 😀 #white #snowdrop

Morning Ian they do look lovely will have a read after work of your blog 💚 have missed them a lately 😊

@Keely - Morning Keely! Wish they lasted a bit longer! Enjoy the blog! 😀

Morning Ian, I will be taking a look soon. Have a great one yourself. 👍👍

Morning Ian , lovely photo 😍, happy Thursday 🙋♀️

Great photo 👍

Good morning Ian. Lovely photo .....can't get enough of these beauties. Have a great day 😊👋💚

Morning Mr must read your blog later love the way you’ve captured the sun on these 💟 have a brill day ☺️

Morning they certainly do! ☀️

Love the sunshine sparkling through them..

Afternoon Ian, just read your blog, my favourite this week is the Camelia, probably because it's pink. 💕💕

@pelly - Good afternoon Jane! Thank you! Got to love a pink Camellia! Hope your day is going well! It's rather beautiful here, and I've had a little visit to the GC over lunchtime! 😀
Late Winter 2018

Good morning GTers! There's no sign of my #snowdrop appearing yet, so here's a picture I took last year while I eagerly await their return! Have a super Saturday everyone! 😀

Hopefully not too long away Ian 👍🏼😉 - morning!

Fantastic Shot

Morning Ian so pretty 💚 you have a good one too 😊

Morning Ian @bigemrg Love snowdrops I’m sure yours will make an appearance soon. Hope you have a lovely Saturday Ian 😀

Morning Ian, fabulous photo , have a great weekend 🙋♀️😃

@richard.spicer.7906 - Morning Richard! Hopefully not too long to wait now! 😀

@gauravsh6 - Thank you Gaurav! 😀

@Keely - Morning Keely! Thanks! They really are! 😀

@jadojado29 - Good morning Suzie! Me too! I'm hoping they'll arrive before the end of the month! 😀

@juliesgarden - Morning Julie! Thank you! You too! 😀

Morning again Ian, I love Snowdrops and that's a beautiful photo 😍😍
Late Winter 2017

Good morning GTers! Bit of a brighter morning here but at least the rain made the #snowdrop look pretty yesterday! Have a great day everyone! 😀

Absolutely gorgeous hun have a wonderful day 😀

@clickchick - Morning Jean and thank you! You too! 😀

Morning Ian. Have a good day. 😊😊

@bigemrg Morning Ian. Not quite as common with those beautiful yellow markings 💛. Have a great day 😊

Morning Ian @bigemrg Beautiful photo of a soaking wet snowdrop still showing all its glory. Cold out there today Ian make sure you keep warm & have a lovely day, hope your feeling better 😀

@latebloomer - Hi Deborah! They are rather pretty aren't they? 😀

@pelly - Morning Jane, you too! 😀

Morning Ian, lovely photo, have a great day 👍

@mikethegardener - Morning Mike! Yes I wondered about those! Must have got a rogue one in the batch! Lucky me! 😀

@jadojado29 - Good morning Suzie! Thank you! Very cold here too, but at least it's sunny! Nearly recovered thanks, just a bit tired! Enjoy your day too! 😀

@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! Thank you! Have a good one too! 😀
Late Winter 2017

Good morning GTers! Finally, a #snowdrop opened - but was soon tightly closed again after a shower of rain! Have a wonderful day everyone! 😀

Good morning hun absolutely gorgeous way to start the day 😀

Good morning Ian @bigemrg .......great photo as usual. Have a lovely day :)

Morning Ian , I must plant snowdrops 🌱😍🤣

@clickchick - Good morning Jean! Glad you like it! Sorry, don't seem to be able to see your pics at the moment - which is why I've not commented on any of them! 😀

@latebloomer - Good evening Deborah! Greetings from the UK! They're one of my favourite flowers and here only too fleetingly! 😀

@flof1952 - Good morning Pauline! Thank you as usual! Enjoy your day too! 😀

@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! They're well worth the effort! 😀

Morning Ian, lovely shot. They are really gorgeous little flowers. 😊😊

@pelly - Good morning Jane! Thank you! I have to agree! 😀

Perfect little bloom 😉

@debs69 - Thanks Debra, I love the look of them when they're freshly open! 😀
Mid Winter 2017

Good evening all! I've been admiring lots of #snowdrop pics on GT this week! However, my own bulbs only just broke the surface earlier this week, so I've raided my photo archive to see what they looked like in 2014! How very impatient of me! 😀

🙊😂😂👍🏼 they'll do nicely!👌🏼👏🏼

Beautiful pic as always Ian 👍🏼 #snowdrops

Nothin common about these lovelies😍

@rachelbrooks - They are rather lovely aren't they? 😀

@justin - Thanks very much Justin! 😀

@SikoMa - Indeed not Dar! 😀

They certainly are! ☺️
They are the model for this years snowdrops to achieve,@bigemrg

@Chester14 - That'd be great if they come back as good as this! It was probably the best year I've ever had for snowdrops! 😀

@ukjohnny - Thank you John! 😀

Mine have only just started coming through too! Clearly we live in colder areas than others 😀👍🏼
Good evening GTers! I couldn't let #snowdrops day pass by without uploading a clump! This is one of the many in dad's garden! 😀 #snowdrop #white
You’ll have to pinch a few for your garden Ian 😍😍
@pelly - Been there done that Jane! I think they're better off where they are! 😀
Evening ian @bigemrg Wonderful pic 👌😍
@jadojado29 - Evening Suzie! Thank you! Hope you're feeling better now! 😀
Thanks Ian @bigemrg yes feeling a lot better now 👍