Hippeastrum (Galaxy Group) 'Minerva'
Hippeastrum 'Minerva'
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2017
- 30
Mid Winter 2017
- 33
Mid Winter 2017
- 31
Mid Winter 2017
- 6
Early Winter 2017
- 18
Late Autumn 2016
- 5

Hippeastrum (Galaxy Group) 'Minerva'
Mid Spring 2020
Late Winter 2017

Good morning GTers! The final flower of my #amaryllis Minerva has now departed and I've been left with the stem! I'm not sure what to do now if I want to preserve the bulb for next year - or if it's even possible! Any thoughts or #advice are much appreciated! Have a great start to the week everyone! 😀

Morning Ian. 😊😊

@pelly - Good morning Jane! 😀

@latebloomer - Thank you Deborah! How long do you leave the stems before cutting them? Mine still look green, healthy and full of life! 😀

@latebloomer - Thanks again Deborah! I'll wait for the stem to die back before removing it, then I'll treat them like my Dahlia and Nerine bulbs! 😀

@latebloomer - They're indoors in pots as they wouldn't survive the frost outside! I've already removed the flowers, and this particular one didn't have any foliage! 😀

Good morning Ian @bigemrg hope you can keep the bulbs for next year as it gave a Gorgeous show it will be worth giving it a go . Hope you have a lovely day ☺

Morning Ian 🤓 striking bloom 🌺

@jadojado29 - Good morning Suzie! I'm definitely going to give it a go! Have a good one too! 😀

@debs69 - Good morning Debra and thank you! 😀

Gorgeous, morning Ian , have a good one 😊👍

@juliesgarden - Thanks Julie, and good morning to you too! Enjoy your day! 😀
Mid Winter 2017

Good morning GTers! Friday at last! My #amaryllis Minerva is still going strong! Have a wonderful day everyone! 😀

Morning Ian, same to you. 😊😊

@pelly - Good morning Jane! 😀

Lovely, mine did nothing 😓, have a great day Ian 👍👍

@juliesgarden - Morning Julie, thanks! Oh, how disappointing for you! It's the first time I've grown one and I'll definitely be trying them again! 😀

Just brightened my morning..🌺

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom - Glad to be of service Elaine! 😀

Good morning Ian @bigemrg ......how pretty. Great photo too. Enjoy your day :)

@bigemrg Morning Ian 👋

Morning 🌺 she's looking fabulous 👌🏼

Morning Ian she's certainly a stunner 👌🏻

Morning Ian stunning pic,hope you have a great day too 😊👍
Mid Winter 2017

Good morning GTers! Finally, the beauty of my #amaryllis Minerva has been revealed! She's also the star of my weekly photo #blog which you can find at the following link if you're interested - www.bigemrg.co.uk/blog/latest Have a great day everyone! 😀

Morning Ian. 😊😊

@pelly - Good morning Jane! 😀

she's certainly a beauty. very striking colour 😘😘

@charlottejhurst - Isn't she? The flowers are enormous! 😀

Fantastic shot Ian and good morning

@justin - Good morning Justin! Thank you! 😀

@Jasonsparkes1 - Thanks Jason! It took a long time to arrive but was well worth the wait! 😀

Good morning Ian @bigemrg .......they are SO beautiful aren't they. Unfortunately I didn't get any this year. Have a warm and safe day :)

Morning Ian she's a beauty 😍 fab pic

Morning Ian stunning colours great pic 😊😊👍

Good morning Ian @bigemrg that was worth the wait it's Gorgeous & Great photo 👌 have a good day 😀
Mid Winter 2017

Good afternoon everyone! I can't believe how much my #amaryllis 'Minerva' has grown in the last 20 days! 😀 #houseplant

@bigemrg I know they grow so quick I planted mine on 12/12/16 it is two feet tall and has 7 flowers on it and another bud waiting to open. You get so much for your money with them 😊

Wow! That's some going! 😳👏🏼


@shelleyB @rachelbrooks @SikoMa - I'm pretty sure that I can see them growing they grow that fast! 😀

Early Winter 2017

Happy New Year GTers! After weeks of dormancy my #amaryllis has finally had a #newgrowth spurt! Hopefully it will flower before Easter! Take a look at my New Year #blog at the following link if you're interested - www.bigemrg.co.uk/blog/happynewyear 😀

Happy New Year Ian lovely healthy plant🤗

Happy new year to you too Ian, hope it does flower for you before Easter 😀

@godfreye - Happy New Year Enid! Thanks! Wish I'd planted it a bit earlier! 😀

@daisy-jane - Happy New Year Jane! I've got my fingers crossed thanks! 😀

It will be worth the wait Ian 😊

Happy New Year and wow I love the water drop collision pic on yr blog its superb you must tick that box this year if you get chance 👌😆

@Keely - Aww thanks Keely! I'll definitely try my best! Last time I did them I had my equipment tying up the dining room table for about 11 months! 😀

Happy New Year Ian 🍾🍾🍾 your amaryllis will soon be blooming 👍😉

@debs69 - Happy New Year Debra! Can't wait to see it! 😀

Happy New Year to you Ian @bigemrg hope 2017 brings you health and happiness 🍾🎉🍾

Happy New Year Ian 😄🍾🍷🎉
Late Autumn 2016

Just adding some more bulbs to my plant database! This is #amaryllis 'Minerva' which I've probably planted a bit late for Christmas but it will hopefully produce some blooms in the new year!
We only potted our amaryllis last week @bigemrg

@Chester14 - Good luck to us both then! 😀

Planted mine last week as well 😄

@katgreen - Hope we're not too late Kathryn! Good luck! 😀
Good evening all! Better late than never I guess! My #amaryllis 'Minerva' decided to flower for the first time in three years today! 😀