Mid Winter 2019
- 11
Early Spring 2018
- 12
Late Winter 2018
- 14
Early Summer 2016
- 30
Early Summer 2016
- 25

Mid Winter 2019
Early Spring 2018

Good evening all! This #hydrangea didn't do too well last year and didn't flower, so I cut it back quite severely at the end of the year! I was quite pleased to see some #newgrowth earlier in the week and have high hopes for it this year! Goodnight all! 😀

Evening Ian 👋 love hydrangea leaves only realised a few weeks ago 🙄😆

@greenfinger14 - Evening Melanie! They're lovely aren't they? 😀

Certainly are !! Love the red edging on them honestly never noticed it till about a couple of weeks ago ... only coz I took a real close up pic N noticed it otherwise prob wouldn’t be any wiser 😆

@greenfinger14 - Hehe! The miracle of closeup photography! 😀

Just saying Ian, the year we moved here I cut the hydrangeas really hard back and didn’t get any flowers the next year. Been lovely since though😀

Beautiful 📷 . Good evening!

@joanboston - Ah, okay! Still, I'd be happy with lots of lush foliage Joan! 😀

@lovestogarden - Thank you, and good afternoon to you Janice! 😀

Evening Ian @bigemrg touch wood (I’m touching my head😂) all my Hydrangeas have done well & got lots of new growth on them even the 4 sticks I put in a pot have new growth, so fingers crossed for yours to do well this year 🤞

@jadojado29 - Morning Suzie! Thank you! It's looking good so far so I have high hopes! 😀

@ukjohnny - Thanks very much John! 😀
Late Winter 2018

Good morning GTers! Don't you just love how these spheres of decaying Mophead #hydrangea bracts look? It'll be a shame to prune them off later in the month! Have a terrific Tuesday everyone! 😀

Did mine yesterday Ian 👍👍

@juliesgarden - Good job Julie! Been putting the task off! I've only got one bush but dad has several large ones with literally hundreds of the things to remove! 😀

I have a hedge of them, it takes ages @bigemrg

@kathy - Oh it must do Kathy! Good luck! 😀

Morning Ian all of mine are still under snow 😉 but what a lovely picture they make 😊😍

@pauline33 - Oh no! Hope it all melts for you soon Pauline! 😀

@bigemrg It’s been so deep might be a while before it disappears but temperatures are rising 🤞😏

Evening Ian @bigemrg Love Hydrangeas all year round always provide some interest, Great pic Ian 👌😍

@jadojado29 - Evening Suzie! Thanks! Yes, that's the reason I love them too! 😀

I do! But I pruned mine a couple of weeks ago! They’re looking ok after the snow thank goodness!

@rachelbrooks - Fantastic! Will be doing mine and dad's in the next couple of weeks, weather permitting! 😀
Early Summer 2016

Good morning GTers! I love how macro photography reveals the unexpected details that nature provides - like these tiny #hydrangea flowers! Have a great day everyone! 😀

Morning Ian you are up early today. Great pic, I did like your 100 pics with the black backdrop on yr blog this week they were amazing ☺ have a good day 👍

@Keely - Good morning Keely! Thanks very much! You're up bright and early too! Hope you enjoy your day as well! 😀

Morning Ian superb shot as per normal. Have a good day 😊

@christineb - Good morning Christine! Thank you! You too! 😀

Oh that's gorgeous I love hydrangea. They keep their interest way in to the 2nd half of the year😚

@charlottejhurst - Thanks Charlotte! You're right! Love them during winter when the bracts turn to lace! 😀

👌👌👌 looks like we're all up early, too warm to sleep here already 19c and its cloudy 👍👍

@juliesgarden - Morning Julie! Yes, warm here too! 😀

Good morning Ian. I've just got hold of Hydrangea paniculata 'Wims Red'. It's stunning. Predict a return to favour for Hydrangeas. Have a great day. Morning @juliesgarden @charlottejhurst @christineb @Keely It's so close here too. Hey it's what we wanted, now it's too much...! What are we like? 🌞🌞🌞

Morning @mikethegardener @bigemrg @christineb @keely @juliesgarden here's to a return to hydrangea being on trend. I charge cup of tea to you all on this balmy morning as I sit in the garden in my night wear😊😊😊

@mikethegardener - Good morning Mike! Look forward to seeing your new charge! I've always liked hydrangeas but they do seem to have fallen out of favour! Have a great day and hope the heat doesn't get us all down too much! 😀
Early Summer 2016

Good morning everyone! Was pleased to see my one and only #hydrangea bringing some colour to the garden! With all of the rain it looks like it will be a bumper year for them! Have a great day! 😀

Very pretty colour 💕 have a good day too 😊

Good morning Ian have a great day as well. FYI if you get bored of the pink you can make the soil acidic it can turn blue 😀

@debs69 - Thank you Debra, will do! 😀

@GREENFINGERSLTD - Thanks James! Yes, I knew that about hydrangeas! I've always wondered how my dad has two that live side by side in the same border in the same soil conditions yet one is red and one is blue! 😀

Maybe neutral soil. the garden centre would of potted the blue hydrangea in ericaceous compost.

Morning Ian!! 😊😊

Morning n how gawjus is it 💕👌👍

@GREENFINGERSLTD - Both plants are well established and about 15 years old! I think he has acidic soil as his rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias always do well without additional mulching with ericaceous compost! 😀

@mikethegardener @Keely - Morning! It's lovely isn't it Keely! 😀

Mor ning Ian ,Fab fab fab 👍👌🏻

@juliesgarden - Morning! Thank you Julie! 😀
Good afternoon GTers! You've just got to love the teeny tiny flowers at the centre of a #hydrangea bract! Hope everyone is having a super Saturday! #tinytreasures
@kathy - Thanks Kathy! 😀
@brightcolours - Thanks very much Katie! 😀
That's an amazing photo Ian 😍😍
@pelly - Thanks very much Jane! 😀
@telswirld - 😀
@johninbrighton - Thanks very much John! 😀