Good evening all! Was wandering around the garden this afternoon when I came across this growing in my border! It's a new border and I didn't knowingly plant it, but it may have come from an old pot that I emptied to fill the border up! I think it's a Triteleia but I'm not certain! Can anyone confirm or suggest other possibles? Thanks! 😀 #plantid
Good evening all! Was wandering around the garden this afternoon when I came across this growing in my border! It's a new border and I didn't knowingly plant it, but it may have come from an old pot that I emptied to fill the border up! I think it's a Triteleia but I'm not certain! Can anyone confirm or suggest other possibles? Thanks! 😀 #plantid
Looks like what you said but a bit early to flower Ian 👌🏻
I couldn't tell you what It is unfortunately Ian but Triteleia is in the encyclopaedia so take a look and see if you think it matches 👍🏼
@nessas - I was almost certain it was but like you say it's very early! 😀
@justin - It certainly looks like the encyclopedia entry, just a bit early though! 😀
Ooooo does that mean we'll get a cracking summer 😂
@nessas - I certainly hope so Vanessa, unless it means this is already our summer and autumn is just a few days away! 😀
Nnnooooooo I'm not listening 🙉🙉😂😂🤣
@nessas - Hehe! 😀
Not a clue! But it's very pretty ☺️
Good night Ian it's pretty flower 💜
@rachelbrooks - Thanks Rachel, I'm pretty sure it's what I thought it was, just a bit early! 😀