Lathyrus odoratus
Sweet Pea
Early Spring 2019
- 3
Mid Winter 2019
- 18
Mid Winter 2018
- 15
Mid Winter 2018
- 18
Mid Winter 2018
- 22
Late Summer 2016
- 25

Lathyrus odoratus
Early Spring 2019
Mid Winter 2019

Okay GTers, I've done my first gardening related task of the year this afternoon! My Sweet Pea seeds did very well last year so I decided to use the same method to get them to germinate this year! For those who don't know or remember what I did - I wrap them up in a wet paper towel, put them in a plastic bag and then pop them in the fridge! Then check on them weekly until they sprout! 😀 #sweetpea #seed

-I have five varieties this year. 1. Little Red Riding Hood 2. Terry Wogan 3. Vera Lynn 4. Champagne Bubbles and 5. Charlie's Angel 😍

Like the sound of Champagne Bubbles 🥂

@rachelbrooks - I'm quite curious to see what Terry Wogan turns out like myself! 😀

It’ll probably have a little combover! 😂

I don't do anything with mine 😅 Just plonk them in compost and cover with cling film to keep the moisture and warmth in. Voilà! 😅

@rachelbrooks - Hehe! Probably! 😀

@ublaszko - I've tried all ways of getting them started over the years, but I think this way has worked best for me so far! We'll see in about three weeks time! 😀

Will keep a note of it in case this year's seeds are being stubborn 😁

@ublaszko - If I remember correctly I had 100% germination rate for one packet of annual peas last year using this method, but the perennial ones were more like 30%! However, I've had as little as 10% using a method similar to the one you described! 😀

I only did 6 seeds last year and got 5 to germinate 😊 Hoping to repeat that this year 😆👍

@ublaszko - That's a great return Urszula! Good luck with this year's crop! 😀
Mid Winter 2018

Good afternoon all! Finally got my #sweetpea seeds sown after preparing them in the fridge for about four weeks! Interestingly, of the two varieties, 100% of the Midnight Blue seeds germinated, but only about 25% of the Pink Pearl seeds showed shoots! I've sown them all though and we'll see what happens! Think I deserve a pint or three now! 😀🍻

Oh I think you most certainly do 🍺🍺 I must check mine after work.

I use the method advised by English Sweetpeas website which is to germinate the seeds on wet kitchen towel under polyethene in the airing cupboard. This way I only sow the ones that have actually germinated.

@bigemrg love that great idea of germination. Thxs for sharing I’m going to do the rest of mine that way. I think it’s also much better and easier in the long run🤗🤗👍🏻😊💕 Also like your individual containers you have

Wow well done great work enjoy your pint 🍺🍺

Do you put any rooting hormone for germination. Pink Pearl ones.

@pelly - How are yours coming along Jane? 😀

@AnnikasGarden - Well essentially that's what I've done, put seeds in a wet coffee filter, sealed in a polythene bag, but placed in the fridge instead of the airing cupboard! 😀

@terrimclaughlin - Thanks Terri! The individual containers are toilet roll inner tubes! 😀

@Keely - Thanks Keely! I did! 😀

@gauravsh6 - No, thought you needed roots for rooting powder! 😀

I usually check them on Sunday but I forgot yesterday, I will have a look soon and let you know Ian. 🤔🤔
Mid Winter 2018

Good afternoon all! After three weeks in the fridge, wrapped in a wet coffee filter, my sweet pea seeds are showing some #signsoflife finally! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! 😀 #sweetpea #seed #germination

Hi Ian your seeds are looking really good 🤗🐟

All look like they’ve got noses 🤣🤣

@bigemrg Afternoon Ian. Wet & grey 😬😬. Hope things better ‘up the road’ but somehow think not!!

Oh brilliant, I’ve just checked mine, some have germinated, still some to go, but I did mine later than you. This is so exciting Ian. Thanks for the idea. 👍👍😍

Oh wow Ian @bigemrg Brilliant will have to check mine tomorrow think I did them about a week ago. Excited now to see how they are coming along thanks for the tip 👍

Brilliant Mr doing a little experiment with sweet peas sooo the question is are they all sprouting🤔🤔 as mine that I planted 3 weeks ago tomorrow first started sprouting yesterday these ones I just put into sowing compost and put into the greenhouse 12 of them have germinated so far..I have some that I soaked in water and potted up Wednesday just trying to see which method is the quickest 😬😬👍🏻

@godfreye - Thanks Enid! I'm very pleased with their progress! 😀

@juliesgarden - Hehe! I thought that the top right one looked like a rubber duck from the top! 😀

@mikethegardener - Evening Mike! After a completely dry couple of days the rain returned today and didn't stop! 😀

@pelly - Nearly all of mine have germinated Jane, which is great news! 😀

@jadojado29 - Let me know how yours are doing Suzie! Hope you're keeping warm! 😀
Mid Winter 2018

Good afternoon all! What an awful day it has been! Hasn't stopped raining all day! I'm trying something different with my Sweet Pea seeds this year! I usually soak them, but I'm giving them a go in the fridge this year and I'm hoping they'll germinate more quickly! They've been in there a week so far, but no luck yet! Thanks to Jenn @jennlamaye for the idea! 😀

Give them a few more days. I hope. 😉

@jennlamaye - Oh yes, will do Jenn! I'm sure they'll all be sprouting in no time at all! 😀

Two yrs. ago I put Pride of Barbados seeds in a baggie covered them with boiling water-1 min. Poured out the water put them in freezer 24 hrs. Then planted in shallow seeding medium. I saw that jeatacake had success with leaving some in refrigerator. They germinated right in the bag. Good luck let us know. I did mamosa tree seeds also with water etc. and have 2 beautiful trees but your method would be much easier 🤗🤗🤗🤗

@terrimclaughlin - Ah, the lengths we go to to give our seeds the best start possible! I'll post an update when they eventually germinate! 😀

Ooooo might give this ago with a few that I have left 👍🏻👍🏻

@nessas - It's definitely worth giving it a try Vanessa! 😀

Evening Ian @bigemrg just reading your post & would also like to give this a try how do I go about it please do I soak them first ? 🤔

Will do Mr 👍🏻👍🏻

@jadojado29 - Good evening Suzie! I wet a coffee filter, or a paper towel would also work, then dropped the seeds in straight from the packet. I then folded the filter up, placed it into a sealed plastic bag, added a label and popped them into the fridge! 😀

Ok then what do I just wait, do I look at them after a certain time or do I wait and plant them when sprouted sorry for all the questions Ian @bigemrg but never tried this before sounds an interesting way 🤔 thanks for the info 😀

@jadojado29 - No problem Suzie! I'm checking on mine once a week and will plant them when I see them start to sprout! 😀
Late Summer 2016

Good morning GTers! I didn't grow many Sweet Peas this year but those that I did have put on a lovely display and have a wonderful fragrance! Enjoy your day! 😀 #pink #sweetpea

Morning Ian. I didn’t grow sweet peas this year. But I shall be going back to them next year 😚

Morning Ian that's a lovely delicate pink 👌💞 have a good day nearly Friday 🙌

@charlottejhurst - Good morning Charlotte! I've already got my first seeds sown for next year and another three packets to sow! 😀

@Keely - Good morning Keely! Very nearly! Got to work today but have tomorrow off! Have a good one! 😀

Good morning Ian, have a great day. 🙋🏻

@yodamama - Good morning June! You too! 😀

@bigemrg Morning Ian. Have a good 'un 😊

@mikethegardener - Good morning Mike! Enjoy your day too! 😀

Morning Ian, have a fab day 😊

@christineb - Good morning Christine! Have a fabulous day too! 😀

Good morning Ian, fab pic
Good afternoon all! Had an enjoyable morning in the garden doing various tasks of which one was finally getting my Sweet Pea seeds sown! Quite a few of them had already germinated in the fridge so I'm expecting good results again this year! Now, time for a beer or three methinks! 😀🍻 #sweetpea
Very organised Ian. You shame me 🙁
Well done! Mine did well just straight in the moist compost but I covered them with cling film to keep the moisture in.