Lonicera fragrantissima
Early Winter 2019
Mid Winter 2018

Good morning GTers! The Winter #honeysuckle is just about finished here for another year, but has been a great performer and has smelled divine! I'm not going to be around much this week as I've got busy with work so sorry if I don't interact much! Have a wonderful start to the week everyone! 😀 #white

Morning Mr awww and we’ve only just got ya back 😔 have a lovely week don’t work too hard ☺️ super photo 👍🏻

@bigemrg Morning Ian 👋

@nessas - Morning Vanessa! Thank you! I'll try not to be away for too long! Enjoy your week too! 😀

@mikethegardener - Good morning Mike! 😀

Yay make sure you don’t go AWOL again 😜☺️

Morning Ian, mines been wonderful too this year , as you say , such a lovely perfume 👃🏻, don’t work too hard ! ☺️

@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! Thanks, I'll try not to! I'm already sneaking back here instead of concentrating on work! 😀
Good afternoon GTers! The Winter #honeysuckle is looking and smelling wonderful at the moment! #wintergarden #white
It looks lovely and it smells fabulous 😉🤣😘
@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom - It certainly does Elaine! 😀
How big is your honeysuckle, Ian? I’m wondering if mine isn’t giving out much scent as it’s a small young plant with very few flowers. @bigemrg
@jacaranda - This one is quite large, at about 3ft tall and about 4ft across! I took cuttings a couple of years ago and those have flowered for the first time this year, but have no scent at all, so you're probably right! 😀
Thanks Ian! I’ll have to be patient and talk nicely to mine 🤣🤣 🤞 for next year. @bigemrg
Oh these are popular today, third one today I’ve seen in my feed 😄👌🏼
@richard.spicer.7906 - I thought that too Richard! I guess there's not much else flowering at the moment! 😀
@linfoster - Thanks Lin! 😀