Malcolmia maritima
Virginia Stock
Early Winter 2019
- 12
Early Spring 2018
- 21
Mid Winter 2018
- 10
Late Autumn 2017
- 14
Mid Spring 2017
- 43
Late Winter 2017
- 18
Early Summer 2016
- 23

Malcolmia maritima
Early Winter 2019
Early Spring 2018

Good morning GTers! These Virginia Stock blooms have been making me smile all through winter, growing up through some cracks in my patio! I haven't got the heart to pull them out and am even thinking of scattering more seeds over the patio area! Have a marvellous Monday everyone! 😀 #virginiastock

They are gorgeous I've not heard of them before. How big are they 😍

@angiecrazycatlady - They're quite small flowers, just over 1cm in diameter, and they grow about 15-20cm tall! You can get a night scented variety that have a wonderful fragrance in the evening! 😀

Oh I've heard of night scented stock I have some seeds I haven't down yet but they didn't look as pretty as yours on the packet I think they were doubles 😊

Oh wow , how pretty.💕💕

@juliesgarden - Aren't they Julie? It would be a shame to pull them out! 😀

It’ll be a lovely pink carpet 💕💕👍

Morning Ian @bigemrg Beautiful dainty flowers No don’t pull them out they are Gorgeous Ian 👌💕👍

@jadojado29 - Morning Suzie! Don't worry, I'm going to leave them and weed around them! 😀

So pretty glad you are leaving them 😍

Morning. Such gorgeous little blooms! 🌸 yes scatter more! Nicer than the weeds that appear in mine 😉

@kathy - Thanks Kathy! They're one of the only things flowering at the moment so I'd better leave them! Wish my Tulips would hurry up! 😀
Mid Winter 2018

Good morning GTers! I was very surprised to see this Virginia Stock plant still flowering in a sheltered spot in the garden! It's just one of the images featuring in my weekly photo #blog which you can see at the following link if you're interested - Have a terrific Thursday everyone! 😀 #virginiastock #stock

Good morning Ian. Brilliant photo ......what a trooper heh. I have a SCABIOUS that has been flowering all winter too. Have a great day :))

@flof1952 - Good morning Pauline! I just noticed new buds on one of my Scabious the other day! Hope you have a great day too! 😀

Morning Ian , I’ve got lobelia still going too 💜 have a good one 👍

@juliesgarden - Morning Julie! There are definitely some strange goings on aren't there? Have a good one! 😀

Very sweet 💜

@rachelbrooks - They are pretty aren't they Rachel? 😀

Ikle bikle flower 💜

@nessas - 😀

They are! 👍🏼☺️
Late Autumn 2017

Good morning GTers! I can't believe that my self-seeded Virginia Stock plants are still flowering! Have a fabulous Friday everyone! 😀

Morning Ian, how lovely is that 💜💜

@pelly - Good morning Jane! Pretty aren't they? I've got quite a few little outbreaks around the garden! 😀

It's great isn't it 😍😍

Morning Ian that’s lovely, I can’t wait to see some new life in the garden 🤗

@Denise16 - Good morning Denise! Thanks! Yes, it's all looking a bit sad at the moment! An injection of spring colour will be nice! 😀


@Naomi126 - 😀

Morning Ian, lovely 💜

Good morning lan have a good day 🙋🏻🐶

@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! It is isn't it? 😀

@yodamama - Good morning June! You too! 😀
Mid Spring 2017

Good morning GTers! My self seeded Virginia #stock is looking really pretty at the moment! It's even growing in the cracks of my patio and I haven't got the heart to pull it out! Have a fantastic bank holiday Monday everyone! 😀

Morning again Ian. That is gorgeous 💙💜💙

@pelly - Isn't it Jane? I've got the night scented ones to sow later in spring too! 😀

Self seeding in patio always looks fantastic . I spend hours though pulling out self seeded weeds and trying to keep the flowers . What one does to achieve that natural look !! 😂

@bigemrg Morning Ian. Enjoy your Bank Holiday. Another's great photo. Ever thought of getting your own calendar together? 😊

Good morning Ian. That's lovely 😊. Have a great day

@junebensted - They do look natural June! Yes, will soon be on scrape and spray mission to remove the weedy little blighters! 😀

@mikethegardener - Good morning Mike! Thank you! Yes, I used to offer a calendar for sale each year but I only do one for family and friends nowadays! Have a great bank holiday too! 😀

@lexijane - Morning Lexi! Have a good one too! 😀

Morning Ian , such a dainty flower , have a good 'un 😀

Morning Ian, such a pretty one

@christineb - Good morning Christine! Like little colourful twinkling stars! You too! 😀
Late Winter 2017

Good afternoon all! This was a nice surprise to have as I walked around the garden earlier! A self seeded Virginia #stock bloom enjoying the sunshine! Hope everyone is having a good day! 😀

Blooming lovely 💜💜💜

@Keely - They are indeed! I've got the night scented ones to sow later in the year! Can't wait to see what they smell like! 😀

Lovely flower Ian🤗

Beautiful 💙💙💙

@godfreye - Thanks Enid! 😀

@yodamama - Thank you June! 😀
Lovely photo Ian,striking colour @bigemrg

Evening Ian what a lovely pic it's so pretty! 💜💙👌

@Chester14 - Thank you! I love the colours too! 😀

@linfoster - Thanks Lin! 😀

@mich - Thank you Michelle! They're only small but they definitely pack a punch of prettiness! 😀
Early Summer 2016

Good morning GTers! Looks like the weather is going to be much better here today! Hope these pretty little #stock blooms make you smile! 😀

Good morning how pretty made me smile, first time i've seen a dryish patio this morning lets see how it goes throughout the day Happy Wednesday have a good one 👍😁

@Keely - Morning Keely! ☕ Sunny here at the moment! Am about to enjoy breakfast on the patio! Enjoy your day! 😀

Morning!... Enjoy your day

@stephent - Good morning Stephen! You too! 😀

Weather forecast says rain all day here with the occasional storm in between! Hopefully they are wrong as usual.

@tiggrx - Oh no! Just watched forecast here and no rain at all, so I hope they're right in my case! 😀

Aww what a pretty flower and a lovely morning to you it's dull here @bigemrg need sunshine

@tina - Morning! I'll try sending some sunshine thoughts your way! 😀

Morning Ian. Sunny here too🌞🌞

@mikethegardener - Morning Mike! Let's hope it stays that way! 😀

Morning all 50/50 on the weather today, enjoy your day everyone 👍👍💗
Good morning GTers! There's not much flowering in the garden at the moment, but these little Virginia #stock blooms are still popping up in quite a few places! Have a marvellous Monday everyone! 😀
@KelsiBriana - Thanks very much Kelsi! 😀
Morning Ian @bigemrg well isn’t she a sweet little thing 💜. Hope you have a lovely start to the week Ian 👍
Morning ☺👋
@jadojado29 - Good morning Suzie! She certainly is! I'm available for work again today but am hoping to get a couple of more days off before being deluged again! 😀
@anges - Morning Ange! 😀
Morning ian 💜
@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! 😀
Good morning Ian pretty colour🤗
@godfreye - Morning Enid! Yes, I'm never sure whether it's pink, lilac or purple! Definitely pretty though! 😀
Very sweet 💜💛
@rachelbrooks - Thanks Rachel! 😀