Late Winter 2019
- 10
Early Winter 2019
- 22
Late Summer 2017
- 23
Mid Autumn 2016
- 33
Early Autumn 2016
- 12
Early Autumn 2016
- 30
Early Autumn 2016
- 23

Late Winter 2019
Early Winter 2019

Good morning GTers! Not looking too far back for #flashbackfriday this week as the #nerine flowered well into December! I thought that the #pink ones looked particularly pretty! Have a fab Friday everyone! 😀

Fabulous photo.

I’ve tried to grow these many times over the years, never been successful unfortunately, they are so lovely

@johninbrighton - Thanks very much John! 😀

Fabulous 😍

@kathy - I struggled at first Kathy but I found that they thrive on neglect! They seem to like a gritty soil and don't like being wet at all! Don't completely bury the bulbs, leaving the top part exposed above the ground! Put them in full sun so the bulbs bake in the sun! Water infrequently and basically leave them alone! I've found they do best in plastic pots that retain heat! Hope this helps! 😀

@angiecrazycatlady - Thanks Angie! 😀

Beautiful flowers, love them. Can’t grow them but I love them!

@rachelbrooks - They're gorgeous aren't they? Neglect seems to be a key factor in getting them to flower Rachel! 😀

Morning Ian, I'm another one who doesn't seem to be able to succeed with them, but I'm going to take your advice and have another go, thank you. 👍😊

The wet is the problem I think reading your comments, we get a lot of rain here! Maybe if I put them in a pot rather than in the garden I might get more success?

Think I might have buried mine reading this Ian 🤦♀️🤣🤣
Late Summer 2017

Good morning GTers! Can't believe that this #nerine is flowering already! It's normally not doing this until November! You can see more of it in my latest weekly photo #blog which can be found at the following link if you're interested - Have a fantastic Friday everyone! 😀 #pink

Good morning Ian lovely. Must check mine just in case .......have a fab Friday :))

@flof1952 - Good morning Pauline! I only just noticed buds a week ago, which tend to last for weeks if not months before they open! Enjoy your day too! 😀

Absolutely Beautiful

PS really enjoyed your blog Ian .....well done :))

@gauravsh6 - Thank you! 😀

@flof1952 - Thanks Pauline! Glad you enjoyed it! 😀

Morning Ian beautiful picture as usual 👌have a lovely day 😊😍

@pauline33 - Morning Pauline! Aww, thank you! Have a lovely day yourself! 😀

Morning Ian , great blog, stunning pics as usual👌 have a great day 😀

@christineb - Good morning Christine! Thank you very much! Have a great day too! 😀

Morning Ian cracking shot 😊👍👍
Mid Autumn 2016

Good morning GTers! My #white #nerine Bowdenii is standing up well to the current cold spell! Still waiting patiently for my pink ones to arrive though! Have a great start to the week everyone! 😀

Morning Ian good to see some still going 👍 have a good day

Delicate and lovely😍 Goodnight Ian. Hope you have a wonderful day😄

@Keely - Good morning Keely! Yes, it's nice to see a few flowers still up for it! 😀

@SikoMa - Thanks Dar! Goodnight to you! 😀

@bigemrg @Keely @SikoMa Morning Ian & Keely. Hope you're both good? Night Dar. Hope you've had a great weekend 😊😊😊

Moring Ian. Great photo as always 😊

Good morning lan have a great day 😀

Stunning photo pink ones are almost in full flower now. Enjoy your day @bigemrg :)

Morning Ian. 😊

@mikethegardener - Morning Mike! Good thanks! Working again this morning but planning on taking the afternoon off! 😀

@jaynehynesburton - Good morning Jayne! Thanks very much! 😀
Early Autumn 2016

Good afternoon all! I can't believe that my #nerine has chosen today of all days to finally open! It has been blown about by strong winds, battered by torrential rain, and is currently being weighed down by raindrops! Oh well! 😀

And still shines out Ian. 😊

She certainly does 😄

Well, rain or shine she is a beauty 👌🏼 love the frilly edges of the petals 💕

@pelly - I think so too Jane! 😀

@janric - Indeed! You snuck in a comment while I was replying to Jane! 😀

@rachelbrooks - Thanks Rachel! Me too! 😀

You know the old saying treat em mean to keep em keen!


@susieg - Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger I guess! 😀

@franshinegee - Thanks Franny! 😀

Totes BigMrG totes!
Early Autumn 2016

Good morning GTers! Very excited to see that my #nerine is almost ready to bloom! This is just one of the nature images to feature in my weekly photo #blog this week! You can see the article at the following link if you're interested - Have a great day everyone! 😀

Good morning Ian have a good day 🙋🏻

@yodamama - Good morning June! Will do, off to the GC later this morning! Have a good one too! 😀

Good morning Ian. 😊

@pelly - Good morning Jane! 😀

Good morning Ian.......treated myself to one of these a few years ago. Fascinating flowers......still in bud as we speak. Enjoy your day @bigemrg :)

Morning Ian and what a beautiful pic 😊

@flof1952 - Good morning Pauline! Great aren't they? Difficult though! This is the first year I've had more than one flower! Have a good one too! 😀

@daisy-jane - Good morning Jane! Thank you! 😀
Have a good day Ian

Morning Ian ,!i really must get these !! Be careful at the GC, it's a dangerous place 😜😂😂

You too @Chester14 😀
Early Autumn 2016

Woohoo! I suspect I'm more excited than I should be over this #autumn arrival! I've grown #nerine #bowdenii bulbs for the last couple of years and this is the first flower bud I've ever had! Fingers crossed it will develop into a beautiful bloom! 😀

@richard.spicer.7906 - Look what I found this morning! 😀

You're allowed to be excited 😁😁😁

Exciting stuff, keep us all updated 👍😆

That's great Ian you must be really pleased 🤗

@vec - Thanks Julie! 😀

@katgreen - Will do, thanks! 😀

Woohoo 🙌🏼😀 , great news! I've found some more myself this morning so looks like we're both in for a treat

@godfreye - I'm over the moon Enid! Been looking for buds for the past month! Loads of lush green leaves but nothing else! Then this morning I find this beauty! 😀

@richard.spicer.7906 - That's fantastic Richard! If I find another one I'm not sure my excitement level has another notch at the moment! 😀

I will have to look at my but first need to overwinter some plants then might see them it's like a jungle. Didn't except my nwe plug plants go so tall 😂😂

@tina - Tell me about it! My delphinium plugs I bought to flower next year are now five feet high and full of flowers! 😀
Good evening all! It was nice to see the #nerine bulbs starting to do their stuff so early in the year! I wonder if they'll be earlier than November in flowering! 😀 #newgrowth
Wow, they don’t flower til November 😯 I am trying them for the first time, not as far on as yours, but most have green sprouts 😛
@kez001uk - Yes, they're quite late flowering bulbs Kerry, but well worth the wait! Good luck with yours! 😀
Mine have lots of new growth now and I’m hoping they actually flower this year!! 👍👍
@pelly - That's great Jane! Just make sure that the bulbs get lots of sun and don't let them get too wet and you should be fine! 😀
I was going to put them in pots but now they’re growing I don’t want to disturb them so I’ll just keep my fingers crossed Ian 🤞🤞🤞
@pelly - I grow all of mine in pots because I have heavy wet clay soil here! They do very well! Actually this is the first year I've not over wintered them under glass and they seem to be better off for it! 😀
Do you think it would be safe to move them or should I wait until after (hopefully) flowering Ian? 🤔🤔
@pelly - Hmm, that's a tricky one Jane! If it were me, I'd be tempted to move a couple into pots just to compare them against the ones in the ground! I guess it depends on how many you've got! 😀
Around a dozen and that's a great idea thank you Ian 😍👍