Tagetes patula hybrids
French marigold
Early Autumn 2016
- 34
Late Summer 2016
- 22
Early Summer 2016
- 9
Late Spring 2016
- 11

Tagetes patula hybrids
Early Autumn 2016
Late Summer 2016

Good morning GTers! Often underrated, the French #marigold have been one of the most hard working plants in the garden this year! Have a great Sunday everyone! #rainbow #orange

Good morning Ian 👋🏻

Gorgeous! Morning Ian 😊

@yodamama - Good morning June! 😀

@charlottejhurst - Thanks Charlotte! Good morning! 😀

@bigemrg Morning Ian. Such a vibrant colour. They're not going to be missed are they? Have a great day!

@mikethegardener - Good morning Mike! They are a bit in your face, and you either love them or hate them, but you can't beat them for colour all summer long! 😀

Morning Ian enjoy yr day 👍

@Keely - Morning Keely! You too! 😀

Morning Ian 😎😎😎

@bigemrg .....good morning Ian. I love these.....grow about 150 plants each year. Easy to care for and flowers all season :)

@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! 😀
Early Summer 2016

Good afternoon GTers! Just nipped out between thunder storms to snap a shot of this #yellow French #marigold in a brief moment of sunshine! 😀

Don't get wet 🌩☔️⛈🙈

Super bloom 😎

@lamaisonbleueoleron - I'm staying indoors Steve! It's crazy weather out there! 😀

@debs69 - Thanks Debra! 😀


Super shot Ian torrential rain, hailstones and thunder and lightning here in Yorkshire

@christineb - Thank you Christine! Same here, although I can see blue sky at the moment! 😀

Getting my old lady freak on too @bigemrg, african marigolds are just opening, too wet to take a photo
Late Spring 2016

Good evening GTers! Say bonjour to my first French #marigold of the year! Must admit that I was expecting them to be orange, but I rather like this dark #yellow shade! 😀

It's a lovely colour 💗

It does look pretty🤗

Gorgeous ray of sunshine Ian I have them in the greenhouse to cut down on white fly :)

Bonjour 🙌👌

Bonjour! Very pretty 😁👌🏼

@bevkb @godfreye @clickchick @Keely @richard.spicer.7906 - Merci beaucoup everyone! 😀

Bon nuit Ian. First marigold picture I've seen this year😊

@mikethegardener - Merci Mike! First one I remember seeing too! 😀

Looks like it has orange markings?

@kathy - Actually this one is pure yellow! I also have red ones and orange ones and mixtures of all three colours! 😀
Good morning GTers! My French #marigold blooms are finally dying back but they've put on a fantastic display all summer long! Have a great day everyone! 😀
Morning Ian @bigemrg gorgeous pic 😊
@jaynehynesburton - Good morning Jayne! Thanks! 😀
Good morning 😊
Good morning Ian @bigemrg you know autumn is here when the marigolds start to disappear a staple diet for summer. Gorgeous photo Ian, have a lovely day 🙂
@bigemrg Morning Ian. Have a great day!
@cottagegardendave - Good morning Dave! 😀
@jadojado29 - Morning and thank you Suzie! Yes it's a definite sign! Have a good one too! 😀
@mikethegardener - Morning Mike! Enjoy yours too! 😀
Good morning Ian have a good day 🙋🏻
@yodamama - Good morning June! You too! 😀
Morning Ian what have you done with sun 😕