Tulipa 'Ballerina
Tulip 'Ballerina' (Lily-flowered)
Early Spring 2018
- 25
Early Spring 2018
- 25
Mid Spring 2017
- 27
Early Spring 2017
- 24
Mid Spring 2016
- 9
Mid Spring 2016
- 11
Mid Spring 2016
- 20

Tulipa 'Ballerina
Early Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

Good afternoon all! Here we go again! This is the second year of my #tulip 'Ballerina' bulbs coming back #pink instead of orange! I'm sticking with my theory that it has rained so much over the last couple of years that it has washed all of the tulip colour away, and left the pink undercoat! 😀 #tuliptuesday

😂😂😂 like it


Awe annoying though but still lovely if you like pink that is 💕

Afternoon Ian @bigemrg Like your thinking 😂🤔 still it’s a Gorgeous tulip 💕👌


That’s a beautiful tulip💗

@lovemygarden65 - Hehe! Thanks Marilyn! 😀

@struddles - Thanks Lorna! 😀

@Keely - The trouble is that all of my tulips are going to end up being pink at this rate! 😀

@jadojado29 - Annoyingly gorgeous Suzie! 😀

@juliesgarden - Another one for you Julie! 😀
Mid Spring 2017

Good morning GTers! My #tulip Ballerinas are looking bright and beautiful at the moment! Have a fantastic Friday everyone! 😀

Morning @bigemrg that's a beauty! Have a great day 🤗

@igrowhort - Good morning! Thank you! Have a great day too! 😀

Morning have a bright day 😎😎😎

@Keely - Morning Keely! Will try to! Have a work meeting this morning but I might get out this afternoon! 😀

@bigemrg Morning Ian. You're definitely on a mission to get us all awake with zingy orange blooms! Love the slight orangey scent of this tulip 😊

@mikethegardener - Good morning Mike! Hehe! Yes, my last three posts have been quite bright haven't they? Can't say I've ever smelled these so will have to give them a sniff! 😀

Morning Ian, another bright beauty 😍

@vec - Good morning Julie! Thank you! 😀

Morning Ian, need sunglasses 😎 for that 😆 have a great day 👍👍

Morning Ian 👋🏻 lovely colour 🍊

Beautiful orange
Early Spring 2017

Good evening all! How about this for weird? One of my #tulip 'Ballerina' blooms has come back #pink instead of orange! Still rather pretty though don't you think? 😀

That's lovely whatever the colour 😍

@vec - I think so too Julie! 😀

Lovely Ian 😊

Oh that is so delicate and such a pretty colour!

Evening Ian @bigemrg she is very pretty & just like a woman goes and tries one outfit & then changed her mind and tries another one or in this case your tulip changed it mind and is trying hard out another colour 😍👌

It's a women's prerogative to change her mind 😂 allegedly 🌼🌸

@jaynehynesburton - Thanks Jayne! 😀

@carolecuttingitfine - It is Carole! I think I may prefer it this way! 😀

@jadojado29 - Evening Suzie! Hehe! She'll probably be dressed in blue tomorrow then! 😀

@icedance - Hehe! I wonder what colour she's going to choose tomorrow Sam! 😀

😂😂 Ian @bigemrg probably if she is anything like me 😉
Mid Spring 2016

Good afternoon good folk of GT! My ballerinas were dancing in the sunshine this morning, with a little help from a gentle breeze! #orange #tulip

Wow spectaculary beautiful photo Ian @bigemrg :)

& Good afternoon to you to :)

They are simply stunning 😍

@bigemrg beautiful 😆

Yep, definitely in love with these now. 😍 fab shot 👍

What a love hot colour beautiful🤗

Love that colour so bright 😍

Stunning ! Looks perfect in the recent weather 😊
Mid Spring 2016

Last one for today! My #tulip #ballerina is all set to perform - maybe tomorrow! Good night GTers! 💤

Fingers crossed @bigemrg I think I planted some in front garden but only just showing their heads

@titchyfra - They were slow to get going here but have been brilliant since they started! Hope yours arrive soon!

🙏 although they're in newly made area and did go in later than they should so ......😕

#orange #tulip

Pretty! #tashwishlist

Just lovely 😍

Lovely! I bought a pot of this from the garden centre on Saturday that were just going over for about £2. Fell in love with it.

One of my favourites 😊

@richard.spicer.7906 - Mine too Richard, in fact they're the only tulip bulbs I'm going to keep for next year's pots! 😀

I've got a few I'm getting rid of - gonna try some more lily flowering varieties I think and some Darwin or species ones as well. Wouldn't mind some lovely yellow ones too 😀
Mid Spring 2016

This #tulip ballerina looks like it's just about ready to open! I've got my fingers crossed that the frosts will keep away and give it a chance to shine!


Gorgeous 😍

So delicate. Well deserving of its name.

Actually looks like a ballerina 💕

Lovely orange scent too!

@tina @crestiesneuk @MelanieAt @sandraescapes - Thanks all! 😀

@mikethegardener - Really? That's amazing! I'll check it out when they open! 😀

Love it!

@bigemrg Ian, it's subtle, but it's there, especially on warm days (if we ever get any)! 🌞

Me too @sara2309 - Okay @mikethegardener I'll make sure I haven't got a cold when I start sniffing! 😀

I just planted my Ceanothus tree in the dark. I think I take this gardening thing too far!
Good afternoon all! Finally, I've got a #tulip 'Ballerina' come back in its correct colour form! Much prettier than the pink ones don't you think? 😀 #tuliptuesday
@ukgardentags - This is the correct colour of the Ballerina! 😀
Now that is a stunner
It's a real stunner Ian 🌹🌹
Wow what a stunner..🧡❤️🧡
Oh yes much prettier 💘🌷💘🌷
This is magnificent!
Wow beautiful colour
Beautiful 😍
@justin - It's one of my favourites Justin, from bud to bloom, always interesting to look at! 😀
@pelly - Thanks Jane! It's a little different from the norm! 😀
@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom - Thanks Elaine! 😀