Tulipa 'Queen of Night'
Tulip 'Queen Of Night' (Single Late)
Mid Spring 2018
- 29
Early Spring 2018
- 40
Mid Spring 2017
- 53
Mid Autumn 2016
- 7

Tulipa 'Queen of Night'
Mid Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

Good morning GTers! Wasn't impressed by these #tulip 'Queen of the Night' plants last year - they were too short with tiny flowers! However, I did like the colour! Well, they've lost their only redeeming quality and have come back this #pink colour! Oh well! Have a marvellous Monday everyone! 😀

Morning Ian isn't it funny my pink tulips from last year have turned cream, wonder if you Queen of the night will turn pink they are not quite there yet, still love pink so wouldn't mind 💗💕

Morning Ian🙋🏽 still a beauty 💕

Lovely Prettiest Glory

@Keely - Morning Keely! Same thing happened to my Tulip 'Ballerina' plants last year! Should have been bright orange, but lots of them came back pink! Made me wonder if they were a true variety or some sort of hybrid sold to cash in on the popularity of the plant? 😀

@tina - Good morning! Yeah, but I have plenty of pink ones which are a lot nicer than this! 😀

@gauravsh6 - I suppose they are still pretty, just not what I wanted! 😀

@bigemrg I hope my haven't changed 🤞 or maybe you have gained a freebie 😄

@tina - Well this is definitely Queen of the Night but it is a front runner! Maybe some of the other ones will come back true? 😀

Suzie @jadojado29 has this problem too Ian, very strange 🤔🤔

My Queen of the night are really dark purple Ian 🤔

Morning Ian @bigemrg Jane @pelly is right 1st time I am growing these & so far they are pink but I will add Rachel @rachelbrooks sent me some pics of hers & they started off pink and turned to the deep purple so I’m keeping my fingers crossed 🤞
Mid Spring 2017

Good morning GTers! I've been pretty disappointed with my #tulip 'Queen of the Night' blooms! They've taken forever to get to this stage and are much smaller than I had anticipated! They won't be making the cut for next year's pot space! Have a super Sunday everyone! 😀

@bigemrg Morning Ian. It's tough being a gardener sometimes. Difficult decisions have to be made 😂. Queen of the Night is often a great foil for other tulips though. Have a great day 😊

@mikethegardener - Good morning Mike! Think I fell into the marketing trap as they were on sale absolutely everywhere last autumn! They'll probably end up in a new raised bed I have planned for later in the year! Have a great day too! 😀

Oh please don't get rid, they are beautiful Ian. They may do better next year. Jason @Jasonsparkes1 is disappointed with his too. 😕😕😕

Mine have been rather lovely, planted them with some white and pale pink ones, maybe they will improve with age

@pelly - They are tiny Jane! About the size of an egg! Very poor when compared to any of the other varieties of tulip I have, of which I have about 20!They'll probably be put in my new raised bed for next year but I'm not too bothered whether I keep them or not! 😀

@kathy - I don't mind the colour but mine are just too small Kathy! They haven't impressed me one iota! 😀

morning Ian, mine are smaller this year but that's due to them being 3 years old. my white #tulips all 1st year have been huge.

@charlottejhurst - Morning Charlotte! This is the first year I've grown them! Crikey, if they're going to be smaller next year I'm going to need a magnifying glass to see them! 😀


Mine are roughly 2ft in height!@bigemrg

Oh I didn't realise they were that small Ian, what a shame, still love the colour though 😊😊😊
Mid Autumn 2016

Been spring bulb planting this afternoon so am just uploading a few images to get the plants in the database! These are #tulip 'Queen of the Night' planted in one layer! 😀

Ooh! Like this one - have planted some too 😊

Gettin excited 🤗

@rachelbrooks - It's a beautiful colour! I have more of these than any of my other tulips! 😀

@SikoMa - Yes, it's an exciting time of the year! Love planning for spring! 😀

my faves 😍

@Squares - Mine too Sarah! I've got quite a few of these! 😀
Good evening all! Finally, a #tulip 'Queen of the Night' has appeared with the correct colour and not pink! However, it's tiny! The flower head is about the size of a brussel sprout! I really don't have anything good to say about this variety! 😀
Stunning against the background! Xx
I’m still waiting on mine 🤞
Aww it's cute though 😉
Can’t wait to get home and see what colour ours are (if they have opened that is😂)
mine are in flower now I just love the colour
@ublaszko - 😀
@SylviaDavies - Thanks Sylvia! 😀
@Mandsboo - Hope yours arrive soon Mandy, and are larger than mine! 😀
@pauline33 - Just need a magnifying glass to see it Pauline! 😀
Ahh thank you fingers crossed ha 😊