Beaucarnea recurvata
Early Winter 2017
Early Summer 2016

Pony Tail Palm//Bob//Photo taken 8 July 2016. Wiped leaves front and back with coconut oil on 7 July 2016. Watered 6 July 2016.

Why do you put coconut oil on the leaves?

@alovealoe I read tips online a while back about rubbing plant's leaves with Hellman's mayonnaise/banana leaves/milk/egg whites/vegetable oil/coconut oil as a way to cleanse the leaves and add a shine/glossy finish. I read it was safe and better than using a chemical-filled leaf shine.

@alovealoe I've done it before on most of my indoor plants and they did look better and were fine. BUT, over the past couple days I did some more research and read it was more harmful to the plants because coating the leaves with coconut oil will reflect light, clog their pores (stomata) making it easier for dust particles to stick to the leaves and it was blocking the pores' ability to breathe.

@alovealoe I've been stressed and worried about it after reading so many people say it was killing my plants and I've been checking them. They seem to be okay and I don't think I will do it again.

Oh no! I wondered about the oils effects on the plants health. Hope yours pulls through!

@alovealoe thanks I think they will be okay like I said I had already done it before to most of the plants and they seemed unharmed. I definitely won't do it again.

@kateb read my comments and convo here.. I won't be running coconut oil on any of my plants again. My snake plant is okay now. A couple days after I rubbed coconut oil on, I wiped it off.

@blocherr Glad I didn't add it to my list of afternoon chores! Thanks

Bob showing off! 18 January 2017 #myhouseplant #paint #pots #ponytailpalm #indoorplants
Hello Bob and why not 👍🤣
Hey Bob 👋🏽