Myosotis scorpioides
Water Forget-Me-Not
Late Winter 2017
- 7
Late Winter 2017
- 6
Mid Spring 2016
- 5
Early Spring 2016
- 4
Mid Spring 2016
- 7

Myosotis scorpioides
Late Winter 2017
Late Winter 2017

My forget me nots have turned pink



They forgot they were s'pose so to be blue! Very pretty though 💙💕💙

Beautiful pic Sarah 👌

Pretty 🌸🌿💜🌿
Mid Spring 2016


Beautiful photo

Simple but incredibly stunning 🐝

Works well in its simplicity.

Early Spring 2016

Sunshine always helps when photographing #forgetmenot #macro

This plant is soooo photogenic, eh? Nicely captured x

Cracking photo! Love these little blue beauties!

@lyndag Yes I thought that too for such a tiny little flower it photographs really well.
Mid Spring 2016

Forget me nots, this morning. I love these little things even though they get everywhere. I've just read that the mental health charity Mind is encouraging people to plant seeds this month to raise awareness. What a sweet idea. #macro #forgetmenots

Great 📷 love these 😍

Always used to see these but not often now pretty flowers

Fantastic photo! I love them too but they do get a bit thuggy with their seeding around. I've dug up millions already and I'm only halfway across my front garden.

@digforsanity yes, I've thrown loads away too

VERY pretty photo

Another beauty 👏🏼
Pink forget me nots #forgetmenot
Didn't know they came in pink! Lovely 😊
Soooo pretty 😆
@riakat me neither, they were all blue last year so I've no idea what's gone on. Will have to google it 😉
It's so dainty though.💕
#myosotis 💗
Beautiful pic 💕