Allium neapolitanum
Allium (Species) Naples Garlic
Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Allium neapolitanum
Mid Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2019

#allium #neapolitanum #alliumneapolitanum got lots of these 09/05/19

Beautiful 😍

Thanks @jyotu 😊

Another very pretty flower 😊💕

Thanks @terrimclaughlin it is very delicate looking
Mid Spring 2019

I’m hoping this is #allium #neapolitanum #alliumneapolitanum or is it a different #white allium? #ornamentalonion Part of a mixed allium pack. 30/04/19 #giveitagrow

Just spotted the photobombing fly!!

Looks like it but will let you know when mine start to flower

@ublaszko I'm a bit disappointed that I only seem to have these white alliums from the mixed pack. No sign of any yellow or pink unless they come up later. 😏

It's still early for alliums. They're only just starting to be in season and some flower in high summer. I have some alliums that won't flower before July.

Ok cool. I did have a look again this evening and I think I’ve found some different allium heads coming that hopefully are the yellow or pink. I’ll post tomorrow!! @ublaszko

Mid Spring 2019

#allium #neapolitanum #alliumneapolitanum #ornamentalonion from my mixed pack I have got lots of #white ones. Am hoping I have some yellow and pink spring through 25/04/19

What a neat looking flower!! Is it a bulb or seed?!? I hope you get some colors but the white with that dark green foilage looks really pretty 😊💕

@terrimclaughlin It’s a bulb. I got a mixed pack of alliums in autumn. There are supposed to be pink, yellow and white ones but so far only white ones are starting to show and flower 😊

Just scrolled back and mine are not even yet at this stage 😥 Looks like 3-4 weeks to wait for the flowers for me 😥

Oh wow!! Isn’t funny how plants can develop at different times in different parts of the UK which is a relatively small country!! @ublaszko
#allium #neapolitanum #alliumneapolitanum Almost a full sphere #white 16/05/19
So cute 😍 I planted some of these too last autumn and they're just showing signs of flowerbuds. Hoping they look better than Drumsticks last year once they open 😊
I really like the flowers, just wish the leaves weren’t as straggly and the stems not so long and bendy!! @ublaszko
Mine are sort of growing horizontally and the leaves flopped as soon as they sprouted. I think I might grow alliums in pots next year and use poor soil or last year's soil to see if they still flop. It might be that they need poor soil like muscari to have more upright growth. I tried growing alliums through perennials to hide strappy foliage but they got even more horizontal to reach the sun so it didn't work.