Mid Autumn 2018
- 4
Early Autumn 2018
- 9
Mid Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Summer 2018
- 2
Early Summer 2018
- 8
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 9
Mid Spring 2018
- 8

Mid Autumn 2018
Early Autumn 2018

I'm really not sure what's going on with this #celosia it's been such a disappointment but it keeps trying so hard! I'm going to dig it out of this container to plant bulbs this weekend but I might put in its own little pot and see what happens!! #purple 16/10/18

Awww it's trying👍

It really is! @Denise16 in both senses of the word! 😬🤣

Aww I quite like it 😁

Thanks @angiecrazycatlady think it's a bit of a #mutant 😆

I've not had mine long so don't know much about them yet, so sorry I'm not much help 🤔🤔

That’s ok @pelly I’ve been frustrated with it all summer but don’t have to heart to send it to the compost bin just yet!

Mine's done something similar - starting to wonder If I should have cut it back after it floweres

Yes I had wondered about that too! @bandicoot 🤷♀️
Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

Well not sure what’s going on here. Had thought it was very unhappy and dying. I moved it to a sightly shadier spot and now it looks like there’s #newgrowth on top of the old flowers! Is this normal? 13/07/18 #celosia

Oh never seen that before..💕👌🏼

Ok @cyndi really didn’t think it was doing well at all but glad there’s new flowers! 😊

Thanks @cyndi. Will keep a lookout. I want to collect them for next year. 😊

@bluefox23 Oh those are one of my favorites. I saved my seed from last year and got orange and yellow this year also from GT friends. Don’t forget they are edible and good tasting too. They sure pretty up a bland looking salad. I think @cyndi is correct on them going to seed. Tiny tiny little black seeds.

Thanks @tkept i really wanted one of these this year but since I've had it I hadn't thought it was very happy. But it seems to be doing its own thing. 😊

@rubygullon you can the bad parts which made me Ithink the whole plant was dying.

Thanks so much @bluefox23
Late Spring 2018

I've only just realised that the leaves have changed colour! It wasn't until I looked at old photos that I noticed it originally had green leaves. I've read that this is down to a phosphorus deficiency but that it doesn't mean it needs a feed of phosphorus. #advice anyone know what I can do, or is it too late? #celosia
Mid Spring 2018

16/05/18 is my #celosia ok? The leaves seem to be turning brown/yellow. The flowers are also turning brown. Not had this before so don’t know if this is just natural or if I’m killing it somehow!!! #advice #help #advice-celosia

Check the usual things over/under watering and is it too exposed maybe moved the pot somewhere else, sorry can't think of anything else

@jaynehynesburton Yes I'm thinking it's one of those! Will check conditions celosia like but had thought I'd got it in a place that matched. I've been watering it daily when hot but less so when cooler! 🤷♀️

I got one a couple of years ago and it died not very long after 🙄

@jaynehynesburton I'd been looking forward to getting one for the first time this year and will be gutted if it dies quickly! Will move it to give it more sun and see what happens! 🤞🏼😬

Hope it picks up

I have one and it looks worse than this but i think its ok as there is new growth at the bottom so am not calling it a day just yet keep your eyes open at the Bottom for new buds , good luck

@simonwood81 ok thanks. Will keep a luck out! 🤞🏼

Thanks @cyndi Will probably have to wait till weekend, unless I can squeeze it in tomorrow after work, to give it a bit of tlc! 😊
Mid Spring 2018

Was determined to have one of these this year. 🤗 are they easy to grow from seed? Hoping to collect seeds for next year. #celosia 04/05/18
Looking great

I'm trying them from seed this year. Just small seedlings so far but hoping that a turn in the weather will get them growing fast now 🖒

Thanks @lordshankar

@jeatacake ok thanks! I've just got to work out when and how to get the seeds and keep them safe! 😬👍🏼

I got mine off my auntie's plants in Kansas last September. They were even the same colour as yours! After the flowers fade, you can shake out the seeds - small black shiny things. You'll gets thousands of them if It's been pollinated 👍

@jeatacake excellent! I shall look forward to that! 🤗

Absolutely Beautiful Blooms
Evicted #celosia out of its large container. Giving it a chance to keep going in its own pot. 🤞🏼 20/10/18
Hopefully it will recover now 👍👍
Well it will be interesting to see what does happen!! 😊 @pelly
Died!! No longer have this and couldn’t get seeds. 😥