Echeveria Secunda
Echeveria 'Secunda'
Mid Winter 2022
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Late Winter 2021
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Late Spring 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2020
- 5
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 2
Early Autumn 2019
- 3
Late Summer 2019
- 6
Late Summer 2019
- 6
Late Summer 2019
- 6
Early Summer 2019
- 3
Late Spring 2019
- 3
Early Spring 2019
- 3
Early Winter 2019
- 5
Mid Autumn 2018
- 4
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 8
Late Spring 2018
- 5
Late Spring 2018
- 5
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 3
Mid Spring 2018
- 2
Early Spring 2018
- 3

Echeveria Secunda
Mid Winter 2022
Late Winter 2021

#succulentsunday #indoorplants #houseplant #echeveria #secunda or #pinwheel
Late Spring 2020

Bought a set of matching planters for my #succulents on the front windowsill. #succulentsunday #indoorplants #houseplant #echeveria #secunda or #pinwheel
Early Spring 2020

#indoorplants #houseplant #succulentsunday #echeveria #secunda or #pinwheel
Late Winter 2020

#advice #help it looks like the stem on this #echeveria #secunda or #pinwheel is rotting but I want to save as many of the babies as I can. They haven’t got roots so I don’t know the best way to save them. Anyone got any ideas? #succulentsunday


You could try taking off the tiny pups and after a few days pot on to gritty compost, it doesn't look very good on the stem so I doubt it would be worth keeping the stem to see if it sprouted new pups 🤔 I've just lost my beautiful echeveria Cante to rot, I wouldn't mind but the compost was completely dry 😣

@angiecrazycatlady I’ll have a go and see. Got a feeling there’s some thrips in the compost too! 😏
Mid Autumn 2019

This is still my favourite of the several #echeveria #secunda or #pinwheel that I have #succulentsunday 03/11/19
Mid Autumn 2019
Early Autumn 2019

Wahoo!! Looks like you were right @angiecrazycatlady I’ve got lots of babies growing! Will I keep them on here or remove them when they’re bigger? #echeveria #secunda or #pinwheel 28/09/19

Yay, wait until they have all grown a bit then you could probably take a few off and grow them on and then leave this to fill out with all the new babies 😍

Great, thanks 😊 @angiecrazycatlady
Late Summer 2019

##indoorplant #indoorplants #houseplant #houseplants #succulentsunday 15/09/19. A good opportunity to update some of my plants. I don’t think I’ve catalogued this particular one very much. #echeveria #secunda or #pinwheel

That's quite a collection Alison 👍 @bluefox23 👏

Thanks @sho47 Taking these pictures made me realise how many different indoor plants I’ve got! And there were still several varieties I didn’t photograph!! 😊

Very pretty 😍😍

Thanks @sherrisgarden I have a few of these in different rooms and they all look slightly different! 😊

Aw I bet they're all pretty.. coloration varies probably based on the lighting
Late Summer 2019

@angiecrazycatlady I’ve taken the plunge!! We’ll see what happens now!! #echeveria #secunda or #pinwheel 10/09/19

Well done, be patient as takes a little longer this time of year 😁

Thanks @angiecrazycatlady nothing ventured, nothing gained! 😊

Good look with it! I'm gonna leave mine till next year now I reckon.

Thanks @dantolomeo 🤞🏼😊

@jacaranda This is how I beheaded it. But as I said unfortunately none of the bits I cut off took but I’ve had better luck before.
Late Summer 2019

#advice This was a cutting that I planted a year or so ago but has become very etiolated and is now bending all over the place! I’m thinking I should behead it and start again? But not sure where to cut it? Any ideas or other advice on what to do with this #echeveria #secunda or #pinwheel #succulentsunday 08/09/19


Now there's a new word, 'etiolated', never heard that one before👍🏻. Sorry can't help with your query🤔😊

I've a couple doing this too, I will keep an eye on this thread for info!

Cut it a few inches from the top, then pull off the lower leaves gently so you have the rosette and a stalk underneath, then let it dry for a couple of days, then pop it into some gritty dry compost. The plant thsts left over could be cut back a bit and possibly may start shooting out new pups. So font throw it away. Plus when you get those dry leaves on a plant always pick them off as they can cause rot and mould. Hope that helps 😁

Brilliant. That’s a great help! And I never thought about keeping the stem after I cut the top off! 👍🏼 @angiecrazycatlady @dantolomeo
Early Summer 2019
Late Spring 2019

My cutest little #echeveria #cutting is now about to flower #secunda or #pinwheel 15/06/19

Yay! 😄👏🏼👏🏼

Thanks @richard.spicer.7906 😊
Early Spring 2019

#echeveria #secunda #succulentsunday 07/04/19

Hi! I think your plant is Echeveria Pinwheel. 😊 - it resembles secunda but for the pink tips which is now becoming evident.

Ah right. They look very similar in lots of pics! 👍🏼 @Yollymac
Early Winter 2019

Still loving this perfect #echeveria #secunda #succulentsunday #houseplant #indoorplant 06/01/19

It’s great. Like u said......perfection 🤗😊💕

Thanks @terrimclaughlin 😊

It is beautiful.👌👌👌#perfection

Thanks @shaz831 😊
Mid Autumn 2018

Loving the form and red tips on this #echeveria #secunda #succulentsunday #indoorplants #houseplant 21/10/18

Woah! That's the bluest secunda that I have ever seen. Very lovely! 💗

Thanks 😊 @Yollymac of all the cuttings I took, this is the best one in terms of form. Really pleased with it.

Have a scroll through my secunda to see how variable their forms have been. Don't be surprised if it changes again! 😆
Mid Autumn 2018

Tiny #echeveria #secunda not sure if it’s surviving, growing or dying! 21/10/18 #succulentsunday #indoorplants #houseplant 21/10/18
Late Summer 2018

#echeveria secunda #green 27/08/18

Thanks @gjones I'm very pleased with how this propagated baby is doing. 😊

It looks so well. I ended up throwing away both of my succulents as they were too much trouble. 😦

I rarely throw plants away! I can’t face it! @ublaszko but there’s a few I’ve thought about getting rid of! That’s how this baby came about!! Cut it off a straggly one!!

I have a rule that if a plant doesn't do well after 3 years it has to go but these ones only lasted a month 😅 They're too picky about watering and light levels for my liking. I ended up constantly checking if the soil is dry enough and carrying them in and out of the house to sunbathe them 😥

Urszula, I just tend to neglect them a bit! I don’t pander to them!! 😂😂 my kitchen, downstairs loo, front room and spare room windowsills plus dining room floor by patio doors are chockablock with plants, some of which, others would have thrown out!! My OH would do too if I turned my back!!! He’s already stopped me filling the bedroom and main bathroom with plants!!! They’re the only inside spaces left!!! 😂😂😂 @ublaszko

😂😂😂😂 I'm the opposite, only have 1 houseplant left and it's hanging on by a thread 😅 My brain blanks out indoor plants even though I'm obsessed about the garden. I forget to water my indoor plants for weeks at a time and only remember about the last one standing because it's next to my cat's water fountain. So my brain remembers: water the cat, water the plant 😂😂

😂😂😂 thank goodness for cat!! Says the plant!! @ublaszko
Late Spring 2018

#pink #echeveria 🌸

I am curious about your pink Echeveria hashtag?

@Yollymac in what way? 🤷♀️😊 The flower is pinkish along with the yellow. And this is a propagated rosette from my original echeveria secunda. 😊

I see now. Just the way you tagged it made me think the plant itself was pink which of course it’s not. All good. 😁

Oh right! 😊👍🏼 I would like to get a pink echeveria. They seem very pretty. @Yollymac
Late Spring 2018

03/06/18 Now my #echeveria #succulentsunday is flowering, can I confirm this is right id? That this is echeveria secunda? @Soph1e @Yollymac

Awww it's a sweetie

Hi Alison, I really love your tenacity! Here is a link to the ICN entry where flowers may be compared: - looks like a match to me. 😍👍🏻🙌🏻👌🏻

@Denise16 love the colours of the flowers. Reminds me of rhubarb and custard sweets a bit! 😊

@Yollymac Great! Thanks 👍🏼😊 Just like to get things labelled right. 😊
Late Spring 2018

Propagated echeveria in its own pot. #succulentsunday 😊 20/05/18
Mid Spring 2018

19/05/18 Propagated echeveria rosette. Flowers growing?
Mid Spring 2018

Trying different ways to see which take best. 26/04/18
Mid Spring 2018

#advice am I right in what I’ve read that I need to let these leaf and stem cuttings dry out for a few days before I pot them up? @Soph1e

@bluefox23 yes, let them form a callus and then place them on a tray of compost. Mist them once or twice a week with a spray bottle.

@Soph1e Brilliant thanks. 👍🏼
Mid Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

@Soph1e @wwTigraww Anyone any idea what #plantid this echeveria is? It has yellow/coral coloured flowers. Will put up picture next time I catch it flowering!

@bluefox23 it looks like it could be an echeveria secunda

@Soph1e Yes looking that up, it looks like it could be. Will wait for it to flower. Thanks. 😊👍
#succulentsunday #indoorplants #houseplant #echeveria #secunda or #pinwheel