Impatiens Walleriana Imara
Bizzie Lizzie Imara
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Mid Summer 2019
- 4
Mid Spring 2019
- 1
Early Winter 2019
- 10
Mid Autumn 2018
- 4
Mid Autumn 2018
- 6
Early Autumn 2018
- 7
Late Summer 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 1

Impatiens Walleriana Imara
Mid Autumn 2019
Late Summer 2019

#latesummer #bizzielizzie #imara #orangestar 14/09/19 #hangingbasketsah
Mid Summer 2019

#bizzielizzie #orangestar #imara Although this flower seems to be more white! Not much orange/red!! 06/08/19 #hangingbasketsah

Oooh, like its quirkinesses 😛

When I scroll through, it’s amazing to see how different all the flowers have been on this plant! Would love to know what affects it! @kez001uk

@blue just looked back and it’s astonishing how different the flowers have been 🤯 that’s one crazy but amazing plant you have there 😍
Mid Spring 2019

#bizzielizzie #imara #orangestar #red cutting enjoying being outside getting ready to be potted up soon 21/04/19
Early Winter 2019

There is so much sadness around at the moment. I need something to help lift spirits. This might help. #cutting #bizzielizzie #imara #orangestar still sending out flowers and fighting against the fungus gnats. 😊 16/01/19

Oh no poor thing. I have fungus gnats flying around here since a few days as well. They're so annoying! 🙄 Thankfully their number is decreasing. What do you do against them?

Natalie, I've bought sticky traps and am using those now. Also unbeknownst to me, my OH sprayed fly spray the other day so most have now gone but hoping sticky traps will catch any larvae that become flies. @natii Too late for some of my seedlings and cuttings though. 😔

Sorry to hear that 🙁 Sticky traps work pretty good, I use them, too. Additionally I stick some matches with the head in the soil, to kill the larvae. I'm thinking about using hydrogen peroxide, cos I guess that will work faster🤔

That’s an interesting method @natii , I might try that for some of mine. The traps are definitely working in my propagators, having difficulty getting them to be effective on a few other things that are not covered, and used a spray (which I don’t normally like doing) but anything to try and reduce them. My tutor tells me to water less to avoid having lots of damp compost around too, which I try but hard when you are balancing it with keeping the thing alive! 😕

I might try the match stick method too! (Burnt or unlit matches?) @natii Rich, I agree it’s hard to get the balance right. I’m trying to leave longer gaps between watering and then water them from the bottom but as I have lots of cuttings and seedlings, the roots aren’t always down to the bottom of the pot! @richard.spicer.7906

Yep, it’s a struggle alright. I’m gonna wait till this batch dies out (not gonna do any new pots for now). I wonder if it’s safe to put any covering on the soil after the seeds have terminated or cuttings potted to just prevent the flies getting to the compost, say like perlite or very fine gravel? Can’t really do anything before the seeds germinate as it might prohibit them 🤔

I might try that at some point. @richard.spicer.7906

Unlit matches. They contain sulphur and that kills the larvea. With seedlings and potted cuttings it's pretty difficult 😕 If you need to water anyway you could put some matches in a cup of water until the heads dissolve and add that to the water the plants get. I read 1 part hydrogen peroxide and 4 parts water work as well, but I didn't try it yet. Rich, I think to cover the soil with gravel or something is good idea👍🏽 @richard.spicer.7906
Mid Autumn 2018

Not content with 1 flower, my #bizzielizzie #imara #orangestar cutting is now flowering quite profusely. It still hasn’t got the white stripe though!! 🤷♀️😊 18/11/18

Doing so well 🧡

I know, aren't they?! Another one of my Bizzie Lizzie cuttings is also flowering!! These were a great buy 😊 @kez001uk

@bluefox23 you’ve definitely had your money’s worth! And added extra of winter flowers too 😉
Mid Autumn 2018

One of my many #bizzielizzie #imara #cuttings has flowered. So cute! Although this is supposed to be #orangestar and it’s lost it’s white stripes!🧡 #tuesdaytenacity

Aw what a little beauty! ♥️ Were they easy to propagate? :)

@natii it was closed this morning. So opened in a few hours today!!

Oh that’s adorable!

I know, right!! Love it, so glad I took cuttings 😊 @kez001uk

@bluefox23 and added bonus of winter flowers 😉
Early Autumn 2018

Hadn't checked these cuttings for a few days and can't believe how much root growth there is! Now potted on! 28/09/18 #bizzielizzie #imara #orangestar #cuttings

Wow they rooted quick!!!

I know! Still waiting on my fuchsia cuttings but hopefully I'll have a few bizzie Lizzie plants now for next year! 😊 @kez001uk

@bluefox23 fuchsias do take a little longer. Ones I did last year seemed like they took forever. Kept going in the greenhouse and pulling on the cutting to feel if it had rooted 🤣 these look like a great success though 😄 hope you’re doing ok today ☺️

I had been checking them almost daily except last few days, and lifting them out water to check!! Poor things, just want me to leave them alone to get on with it!! 😂. Thank you, yes I'm doing better today. 😊😚 glad it's the weekend! @kez001uk

@bluefox23 they must get annoyed with us prodding and poking them 😉😂 I’m glad you are 😁 and hope you have a relaxing weekend. I’ve got greenhouse cleaning on my agenda 🤣🙈

And after a few weeks, ta-dah!! @natii 😊
Late Summer 2018

#bizzielizzie #orangestar record of first set of cuttings taken 15/09/18 #imara #cuttings

@natii so easy to propagate, just put stems in water 😊

Thank you for the tags! Wow that's been fast to root! 😊 I'm definitely going to try this out when I find some cuttings 😁 I love this plant. You know the seeds of it, which fly around if you touch them? I used to play with them for hours as a kid 🤣🤣
Late Summer 2018

#bizzielizzie #imara #orangestar 01/09/18
Mid Summer 2018

#bizzielizzie #orangestar 18/08/18 #imara
Mid Summer 2018

#bizzielizzie #imara 17/08/18 Label says Rose but research shows this is #orangestar
#bizzielizzie #imara #orangestar Cuttings haven’t been taking so decided to pot this up and keep in greenhouse!! If only my conservatory had been built as was told! 27/10/19