Phalaenopsis 'Marillion'
Moth Orchid 'Marillion'
Mid Summer 2021
- 1
Late Winter 2021
- 2
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Mid Winter 2020
- 4
Mid Winter 2020
- 2
Late Autumn 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2019
- 3
Early Spring 2019
- 13
Late Winter 2019
- 1
Mid Winter 2019
- 2
Early Winter 2019
- 12
Early Winter 2019
- 6
Early Winter 2019
- 8
Early Winter 2019
- 3
Mid Autumn 2018
- 2
Mid Autumn 2018
- 3
Early Autumn 2018
- 4
Early Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 3
Early Spring 2018
- 4

Phalaenopsis 'Marillion'
Mid Summer 2021
Late Winter 2021
Early Spring 2020

2 flowering stems on this one too #indoorplants #houseplant #marillion #mothorchid #orchid #phaleonopsis
Mid Winter 2020

#marillion has opened up fully now 😊 #mothorchid #orchid #phaleonopsis

Sooooo pretty 😍😍

Thanks @dirtgirlworld @sherrisgarden 😊

You're very welcome 😘
Mid Winter 2020
Late Autumn 2019

Sorry not been on much this week: super busy with work. This is why you shouldn’t cut back your orchid flower stems. You never know when they will send out another shoot of flowers! I am gutted though as I just broke another stem off as I was trying to support it. 😞 don’t think it will do much in the pot of water but worth a try. Gutted! #orchid #marillion 30/11/19 #mothorchid #phalaenopsis
Early Spring 2019

#pink #orchid #marillion #mothorchid #phalaenopsis 06/04/19

Those are so elegant looking don’t you think so!!🤗😊💕

I really like them @terrimclaughlin I oils love to get some more 😊
Early Spring 2019

😭🤬😭🤬😭🤬😭🤬 My OH knocked this flowering stem off my orchid when he closed the kitchen blind!!! Will it live if I put it in a vase? So many blooms, I don’t want them to die!! I’m so mad!! #advice


@lydiastirling knows all about orchids I think Alison ☺🌸 good luck 🌸

Thats very sad. It should do i think. Much like any cut flower but put a bit of plant food or sugar in with it not sure how long it will last. It's a beautiful orchid. I dont know as much as other people on here about orchids so you might want to double check with @jlsardina

The spike won’t grow any plant. But you can put it in water and the blooms should last a few weeks. Leave the remaining portion of the spike on the plant and it might throw out more buds for you. Only cut a spike of it turns brown or if the plant needs to work on its root system.

Aww such a beauty too...I hope you can rescue it...

I was so mad with him!! But so sad too!! If I can just keep the flowers going for as long as I can, that’ll be the best I can do!! @charlotte @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @anges

Thanks @lydiastirling @jlsardina if I can enjoy the flowers as long as possible that’s all I can hope for. Hopefully they’ll be ok in water for a while 🤞🏼

I'd be the same Alison 😬😔😁

I’d definitely put it on par with cutting the Clematis in half with the strimmer..🤭

Yup . Up there with Mr F throwing my one few house plants away because he thought it was dead. It wasn't. But it is now Elaine and Alison ☹ @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Yep not the first and not the last plant accident/disaster!! 🙄😒 @charlotte @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Late Winter 2019

Forgot about these yesterday for #pink #marillion #orchid #mothorchid #phalaenopsis 11/03/19
Mid Winter 2019

#marillion #orchid #mothorchid #phalaenopsis with so many more flowers, one opening today and another couple still to open. 💕 #pink 10/02/19

Early Winter 2019

There is so much sadness around at the moment. I need something to help lift spirits. This might help. 3 flowers now open on my #orchid #phalaenopsis #marillion #thinkpink #houseplant #indoorplant 😊 16/01/19

So lovely Alison, such intricate flowers 😍

Beautiful 💖💗💖

I love orchids Alison 💕

You can't go wrong with a beautiful orchid😍

Thanks @anges they are interesting flowers aren't they? 😊

Thanks @suerichards 😊

Julie, I think I need to get some more in my life! Love them! 😊 @juliesgarden

Thanks @gjones 😊

Thanks @kimguy I am on the lookout for more! 😊

They sure are 😊

Early Winter 2019

#closeup of #orchid #phalaenopsis #marillion love the detail on what I think of as its ‘mouth’! #indoorplant #houseplant #pink 09/01/18

That's absolutely gorgeous 💖☺

What a beauty 💕

Thank you @anges 😊💕

Thank you @awomanonabike 😊💕

Thank you @gjones 😊💕
Early Winter 2019

The first of several flowers now open! #orchid #phalaenopsis #marillion 07/01/19. @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom Elaine I think it was worth the wait 😊

#houseplant #indoorplant

@ukgardentags @teamgardentags Just a query as to why random pictures are ending up on my wish list? I keep having to delete pics that I know I have not chosen to add. 🤷🏼♀️ how can I make sure that I am asked if I want to add something to my wish list. I am sure I had that as a setting before?

Hi @bluefox23 . Lets see if we can help. Would you be able to email examples of items that are appearing on your wishlist that you haven't added please? The email address is . Many thanks

Very pretty Alison 💕

@bluefox23 totally 💗💗💗

Thanks Kerry @kez001uk 😊

😊😙 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Early Winter 2019

Won’t be too much longer now. #orchid #phalaenopsis #marillion #bud #flowerbud It’s only been about 4 months since the flower shoot appeared! 🙄😊 05/01/19. #houseplant #indoorplant

You’ll be rewarded for your wait..😂

I really hope so Elaine!! 🙄😁 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Mid Autumn 2018
Mid Autumn 2018

Not only do I have the flower spike that started growing a few weeks ago (right), I also have a flower spike growing off an old one (left)! Good job I didn’t cut it down after it finished flowering ages ago! 😊 06/11/18 #orchid #phalaenopsis #marillion #tinytreasures #houseplant #indoorplant

Funny enough mines done exactly the same 😊

Can’t wait for the flowers 😊 @christineb
Early Autumn 2018

#orchid #phalaenopsis flower spike growing up 😊 #houseplant 07/10/18 #indoorplants #marillion

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom when I know the stalks are dying/done and no more flowers will grow, I cut it to just a few centimetres above the level of pot. The light brown stalks on the right are stems I’ve cut down in the past. I could probably cut them down lower now to be honest.

@Venkat Did you mean tag you in this post? 😊

Yes, that's the one... Thanks Alison
Early Autumn 2018

I spy a new flower stalk developing 🤞🏼😊 #orchid #phalaenopsis #foliagefriday 21/09/18 #marillion #houseplant #indoorplant
Early Summer 2018

26/06/18 a brand new leaf and evidence of new roots growing. Next it should be the flowers! 😊 #orchid #phalaenopsis #marillion #houseplant #indoorplant
Mid Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

Do you think it is worth me re-potting this orchid at the same time as I do my other? @pixierose This one is healthy and only just finished flowering.

@bluefox23 you could put it in a slightly bigger pot yes and give some fresh bark. The roots look great 👍🏼 and healthy 😁👍🏼

Brilliant. Will be a job for this week! Thanks! 👍😊 @pixierose

#orchid #phalaenopsis #marillion #houseplant #indoorplant
Cataloguing repotting of my orchids #indoorplants #houseplant #marillion #mothorchid #orchid #phaleonopsis