Portulacaria Afra Variegata
Portulacaria afra 'Variegated'
Mid Autumn 2019
- 4
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Mid Summer 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2019
- 6
Early Spring 2019
- 9
Mid Summer 2018
- 5
Late Spring 2018
- 4
Mid Spring 2018
- 1

Portulacaria Afra Variegata
Mid Autumn 2019
Late Summer 2019

#indoorplant #indoorplants #houseplant #houseplants #succulentsunday 15/09/19 A good opportunity to update some of my plants. #rainbowbush #portulacaria-afra #succulent #portulacariaafravariegata. This seems to be happier on my kitchen windowsill with infrequent watering.
Mid Summer 2019

Decided I’m not going outside in this wind, don’t think there’s too much damage, so checking on my houseplants! My #rainbowbush #portulacaria-afra #succulent is growing new leaves and seems happier. Hoping it doesn’t drop them all again!! 10/08/19 #portulacariaafravariegata
Early Spring 2019

Have taken cuttings of my #rainbowbush #portulacaria-afra #succulent 07/04/19 #succulentsunday Hoping I get some healthy plants from this. @gjones @kimmy01 @PunkyKy This is a photo of the roots. The soil was quite wet underneath the top layer which was dry. Do you think the main plant will survive?

I would report the main plant with new compost @bluefox23 houseplant compost if you can or good compost with lost of sand x

It looks like it should. @kimmy01 is right though... I would repot with new soil, coarse grit sand and/or perlite.

@kimmy01 @gjones @PunkyKy ok I will do that and monitor the watering situation in future. Thanks and 🤞🏼 I get at least something surviving!

Repotted 09/04/19

Early Spring 2019

#advice Not sure what to do with this. Thought I’d found its happy place last year but the past few months it’s been dropping leaves and not sure it’s growing new ones. Really can’t seem to find a position it’s happy in all year round. 😔 #rainbowbush #portulacaria-afra #succulent 01/04/19 #portulacariaafravariegata

@gjones @kimmy01

The stem at the bottom looks like it's kinda "Woody" looking. Is it getting root rot? They like it pretty dry..... The soil looks a littleheavy and a slightly too damp.... Where is located and how much light does it get? Sorry for asking too many questions... Just trying to pinpoint the problem. ❤🌵🌱☺

@PunkyKy thanks. It’s been by my patio door so gets sunlight from late afternoon. I’ve tried to only water it once every two weeks max. When. I repotted it last year, I did put some grit in the bottom and mixed it with the compost. When I get home from work I’ll take a look at the roots and see.

I would take a small cutting and that fallen leaf and try and grow a new one first then have a look in the pot you might have some vineweevils it might be worth re potting in new house plant compost with added sand if it's not that then maybe over watering it looks a bit dark and damp only water it tiny bits after you repot. Good luck they can be funny the rainbow ones mine lost a few leaves I will have to take a cutting as back up. 💚💚

Looking at it though it has lots of new growth just coming back too 💚

@gjones @kimmy01 where’s the best place to take a cutting from? How much stem?

I just got this from Google, To grow Portulacaria afra “Elephant Bush” from cuttings, use a sterile, sharp knife or pair of scissors. Remove a stem from the main plant, and allow it to callous for several days before placing on well-draining soil. Water whenever the soil has dried out completely. Maybe take that small branch from the bottom 💚

Think I’ll tackle it this weekend! 😬👍🏼 @kimmy01
Mid Summer 2018

#succulentsunday @kamaki an updated pic of my #portulacariaafrafvariegata full of leaves now. 😊 29/07/18

It's growing nicely!

@kamaki Yes it is. 😊 Poor thing spent a year in a place it really wasn't happy and in just 2 months, it's flourishing. A success. 😊😂

@bluefox23.. That's very encouraging!

#rainbowbush #portulacaria-afra #succulent #portulacariaafravariegata
Late Spring 2018

02/06/18 very pleased to see how much #newgrowth this #succulent has put on since I repotted it and moved it. Top picture at repotting; bottoms picture taken today. It's obviously much happier where it is now. 😊 #rainbowbush #portulacaria-afra

@kamaki it's grown a bit more since then too.

That's great... Good to know it needed less sun..

Mid Spring 2018

12/05/18 taken this out of terrarium where it wasn't doing well. Planting it on its own and moving location to a less sunny spot in hope of it doing better. 🤞🏼 #rainbowbush #portulacaria-afra #succulent #portulacariaafravariegata
#succulentsunday pleased this is still doing ok at the moment 03/11/19 #rainbowbush #portulacaria-afra #succulent #portulacariaafravariegata.
Very nice specimen!
Thanks @kamaki 😊
RIP February 2020