Primula polyantha 'Stella Champagne'
Late Winter 2023
- 1
Mid Winter 2022
- 4
Late Winter 2021
- 2
Early Spring 2020
- 2
Early Spring 2020
- 10
Late Winter 2020
- 17
Mid Winter 2020
- 4
Early Winter 2020
- 5
Late Winter 2019
- 2
Early Winter 2019
- 8
Early Winter 2018
- 1
Late Autumn 2018
- 18
Mid Autumn 2018
- 7
Mid Autumn 2018
- 12
Mid Autumn 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2018
- 9
Mid Spring 2018
- 4

Primula polyantha 'Stella Champagne'
Late Winter 2023
Mid Winter 2022
Late Winter 2021
Early Spring 2020
Early Spring 2020

Especially for @kez001uk 😊 #stellachampagne #polyanthus in the sun

That's fabulous Alison, so many flowers 💕

Oh I do love this 😍😍 can’t believe how many flowers you’ve had on it this year 🌸♾

Oh thsts a pretty pink 😍

Lovely colour 💮💮💮

Thanks @lilybee I can’t believe how many flowers it’s for this year

@kez001uk I know you love it 😃 it’s a stunner this year

@gjones thanks 😊

@angiecrazycatlady Thanks. It is pretty and changes shade depending on light

@queruqui thanks 😀
Late Winter 2020

#stellachampagne #polyanthus full of flowers

Love them more each time you post them 😍🥂😍

Wow, these have turned out fantastic Alison 😍😍😍 Gorgeous! (And notice Kerry likes frilly flowers now 😆😆😆😂) @bluefox23 @kez001uk 😜

So pretty 💕

I have this and it's beautiful. Thanks for the name, my one wasn't labelled Alison 💞💞💞

So pretty 😍

@ublaszko I’m expanding my tastes - to ALL plants 🤣

😂😂 You'll be pleased to know I love my new daffodils 😲😲😲😜 @kez001uk

@ublaszko all this subliminal colour bashing from gts gardens is having an effect on you!!! 😉

Either that, or the egg toast I had for breakfast 😂😂

@kez001uk I’m loving the amount of flowers on it at the moment 😊

Thanks @ublaszko they are pretty stunning at the moment! Nothing eating the petals!
Mid Winter 2020
Early Winter 2020

#wintercolour #stellachampagne #polyanthus

That's a pretty one Alison 💞💞💞

Very pretty 🌸🌸

These didn't look like they were going to come up a few weeks ago so I'm pleased they're flowering well. 😊 @pelly @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Yay! They’re back 😁 love the colour of these 😍
Early Winter 2019

#winterwonders #stellachampagne #polyanthus @kez001uk 😁 19/01/19

Love this colour! I think all mine from last year have perished, not seeing them popping up yet

This is a lovely colour 😍 I only have one primrose but it's a very bright one. Much happier with it than my pansies.

Thanks @Mikekally 😊 it is doing great for a 25p clearance plant

@ublaszko I really like primulas of all sorts and some of my older ones aren't performing well. So that's why I am pleased with this one and my new one. I have remembered I do have some seeds too!! 🙈

😁😁 Perhaps try dividing your older ones to revive them. I noticed my one got woody in the centre in the 3rd year and I just separated the green growth with roots from the old growth.

Yes I probably should. A few of my troughs are looking a bit tatty so at some point I need to sort them out, especially with the millions of seeds I’ve got to grow!! 😂 @ublaszko

I love this! It just keep on going too 🤯 beautiful colour😍
Early Winter 2018

#polyanthus #stellachampagne #winter 23/12/18
Late Autumn 2018

Can’t enough of these ‘Stella!’ Flowers #stellachampagne #polyanthus 04/12/18

Now I'm saying 'Stellaaaa' in my best Marlon Brando😃

The colour is just so unusual, so pretty 😍 how is your mum doing Alison? (Hope you don’t mind me asking)

@Denise16 😂😂

@kez001uk thanks for asking Kerry. 😊 my mum has seen her consultant who is happy with his removal of cancerous growth, and he said she will be checked by CT scan every year for next 3 years to check the smaller growth on other kidney and if come back on same one. (15% which seems quite low) so she's just getting herself back up to speed physically now. However unbelievably my partner is now having to undergo tests to make sure the pain he's been getting, isn't kidney cancer!!

@kez001uk How crap is life if it throws this at me now!! So I'm not really feeling the Christmas spirit at the moment.

I’m so sorry to hear your going through this now and one thing positive is it sounds like your mother has had some good news and I don’t want to seem selfish or over step but sometimes we have to stay positive and be strong for your partner and mother and speak positive I know it’s hard but many reports say it helps the one who’s ill so u stay strong pick some beautiful flowers bring them in the house and let us know how those tests turn out. Life can get so bad we start to question things

Hopefully many people on GT will say a prayer for you I believe God hears our prayers but we have to keep asking for his help. I was once very close to death drs. Called my family to come 3 specialist said I wasn’t going to make it but one thing was I never thought I was going to die I don’t know if that mattered and Frank always said I needed to come home and here I am 12 yrs. later. I hope u get good news 🤔😔🙏🙏🕊🕊

@terrimclaughlin Thank you 🙏 I know I need to be positive and strong, and hopefully I will be if the worst news comes but I think I’m still in shock and I’m not as resilient as I would like. I know everyone has trials to deal with. Sorry to hear about your difficult time and I’m very glad you’re ‘still here’! Love my plants, they are so good for positive thoughts and health 😊

Well your right and to hear things back to back is never easy especially when it’s people you love!! Let’s just hope for the best. Try to have s a good day 🤗🤗👍🏻🎄⛄️

I thought you’d agree!! 🙄😂😂 @scaryskates

@bluefox23 I’m so happy for your mum Alison 😁☺️😁 such great news for her and your whole family 😀 I just wish for you that it was the relief you needed after all this time. You really don’t seem to catch a break 😔 it’s a worrying time as you know too well but I’ll be wishing the best for your partner as I did for your mum 😊 I hope you all get the good news you deserve 😘
Mid Autumn 2018

#polyanthus #stellachampagne looking lovely 18/11/18

Lovely colour 🌸

Thanks @anges it looks better now there’s several flowers open but the stem still not as long as I imagined but flowers are coming further out than they were! 😊

Yes it looks a little taller 👍😁

They’re such an unusual colour. Love them 😍

@kez001uk I really like it, so subtle. Another bargain buy 💕😊

@bluefox23 gotta love a bargain! And even better when they’re this pretty 😁
Mid Autumn 2018

#polyanthus #stellachampagne flower just open but not on a long stem like I was expecting!! 07/11/18

That’s a gorgeous little flower 😍

Thanks @kez001uk I had to get my phone at such an awkward angles to take this!! Don't know why it's not producing long flower stems! 🤷♀️😊

@bluefox23 they do like to hide 😂 some of mine don’t grow on stems, they sit in the foliage. Always wondered why that is. Maybe someone on here knows 😜

@bluefox23 @kez001uk I think there are lots of different types - some do have long stems, these don't though. Depends on the variety I think ladies. ☺🌸🌸🌸

@anges I always thought primrose sat in the foliage and polyanthus were on stems. Least I know that’s not so 😜 thanks Ange 😁

@kez001uk that's what I'd thought which was why I was expecting this to have long stems! It is my first flower on it though as I bought it at end of spring. Thanks for info @anges other pics of this show some stems though! 🤷♀️ either way it is very pretty!! 😊

@bluefox23 perhaps the stems come with age? It’s all so confusing 😂

Time will tell! @kez001uk 😂

@bluefox23 @kez001uk Oh maybe it will get a long stem if you've seen them like that 😀 I don't know then. I know some do n some don't. Need to find out for sure now 😁

@bluefox23 @kez001uk Maybe they'll develop longer stems as they keep growing etc.... ☺ You will have to keep us updated now 😊

@anges @bluefox23 I’m sure we’ll find out eventually 😂
Mid Autumn 2018

#polyanthus #stellachampagne Is this a flower bud? Looks very different to my primroses! I know they’re different (same family) but does look odd?! 🤷♀️03/11/18

Think it is Alison. I’m finding that quite a lot of the late flowerers are producing ‘deformed’ buds.

@valjones-hughes Will see how/if it develops further!
Late Summer 2018

My #polyanthus recovering from the Drought and putting on new growth. Will flowers be next? 😊 23/09/18 #foliagefriday #stellachampagne

Fingers crossed! Just a word of advice, remove mulch and dead leaves around them as they're prone to powdery mildew and crown rot. Let air around the leaves and crown to keep healthy and spray with fungicide if the weather is mild and humid. 😊


It looks like it needs an iron doesn’t it!! 😂 @gjones

@ublaszko Ok thanks for the tip! I’ve gone from mulching nothing to mulching everything!! 😂😂

@Naomi126 Thanks 😊

Definitely no organic mulch on plants susceptible to crown rot so none for primroses/primulas, peonies, cyclamen. That's the ones I can remember off the top top of my head. 😊 I've started mulching beds as well this year but have not been very systematic with it 😅 One thing I found the hard way last year is that if you mulch on top/around tulips they end up getting ravaged by snails/slugs because these monsters hide underneath the mulch. Best to leave out mulch if bulbs are loved by snails 😅

Got it! Good job you said about bulbs as I was wondering whether to mulch over where I plant them!! @ublaszko I'm learning so much on here! 👍🏼😊

I only found that problem with tulips. The other spring bulbs were ok. It's useful to get tips from the community 😊
Mid Spring 2018
And she’s back #polyanathus #stellachampagne