Tagetes Patula 'Safari mixture'
French Marigold 'Safari mixture'
Early Autumn 2019
- 4
Early Autumn 2019
- 6
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 2
Mid Summer 2019
- 1
Mid Summer 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 5
Late Spring 2019
- 5
Mid Spring 2019
- 4
Early Autumn 2018
- 5
Mid Summer 2018
- 4
Early Summer 2018
- 6
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 9
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 3

Tagetes Patula 'Safari mixture'
Early Autumn 2019
Early Autumn 2019

Still going strong #orange 26/09/19 #french-marigolds #safarimix

They're a great colour for Autumn. Are they easy to grow from seed?

Really easy. I collected loads of seed last year and still got loads left plus I’m collecting little bits more this year, so I could send you some if you wanted? @anges

Sounds good! I'll email my address to you. Thanks very much Alison 😊🌞

Great. I’ll send them in a week or two when I’ve dried the newer seeds so you have a mixture of new and old! @anges

Lovely, thanks Alison 🤩
Late Summer 2019

A sunshine trio! All slightly different!! #french-marigolds #safarimix #mondaymotivation 09/09/19
Late Summer 2019

#septemberblooms 07/09/19 #french-marigolds #safarimix

@charlotte Oh no I’m really sorry to hear that. How dreadful that some people can be so mean! I read something the other day about other people having nasty comments said to them on here too. So sad as it’s such a great app. Please don’t disappear from here, I love seeing your posts as a fellow veggie, and I’m rubbish at growing veg so I’m often in awe of those that can.
Mid Summer 2019

Love these red flowers on my #french-marigolds 30/07/19 #safarimix
Mid Summer 2019

#french-marigolds #safarimix #julyblooms 20/07/19
Early Summer 2019

Love, love, love this #french-marigolds #safarimix #grownfromseed 12/07/19
Early Summer 2019

And I’m getting my first #marigold flower #grownfromseed really glad these have done well. Need to get them potted up!! 30/06/19 #french-marigolds #safarimix

Yay! Love the red ones ❤️ grew marigolds for the first time last year and they just went on forever! Even in the heatwave they were the one thing to look consistently great 😋

@kez001uk yes I like these darker two-toned ones. So glad my saved seeds are viable 😁

@bluefox23 oh wow, they’re from seeds you collected last year?? Even more impressive 😁

Thanks 😊 @kez001uk
Late Spring 2019

Recording potting on of #seedlings. So pleased to have got these going from saved seed last year. 20/05/19 #french-marigolds #safarimix #grownfromseed

@Mikekally I’ve got this many seedlings after me thinking none would germinate 😁

Success!! 😍😍

@Mikekally just got to keep the slugs away from them! 😬

It’s sooo exciting when they pop up from the dirt!! Success 🤗🤗😊💕
Mid Spring 2019

Not a great photo but I have some germination from my marigold seeds!! 29/04/19 #french-marigolds #safarimix @Mikekally 😁

@Mikekally I checked today and I have at least 4 seeds that have germinated now 😁

Woot!!! Excellent job, glad you tried again so? 😊👍

So pleased some have germinated and maybe more will too 😁 @Mikekally
Early Autumn 2018

#french-marigolds #safarimix still flowering in this plant. Some of them have died now. 😊. 10/10/18

I’ve got so many seeds of these 😊 @cyndi it’s the only plant I’ve really been successful in collecting seeds

Seeds sown 26/03/19

No evidence of germination. More seeds sown 12/04/19

Success 29/4 😝
Mid Summer 2018

@jerrys-garden Mine are doing well. 😊 01/08/17 #frenchmarigold #safarimix

They look great! Seem to be one of the few things the heat isn’t affecting 🧡💛

Thanks @kez001uk Yes they are still going strong. 😊 While so many other things flowered so quickly and then they’re over.

Early Summer 2018

@sieveheadsarah #longflowering 😊

Lovely 😀😍😀

Thanks @sieveheadsarah 😊

Don't forget to collect some seeds for next year 😀👍🏼😀

Yep already started collecting 😊 @sieveheadsarah

#safarimix #french-marigolds
Early Summer 2018

12/07/18. Pots of summer. 😊 forecast for rain later and tomorrow. 🤗🤞🏼😂 #safarimix #french-marigolds
Early Summer 2018

Think I have my first seeds? #french-marigolds #safarimix

You do indeed. I keep mine and plant in Feb indoors.

@jendren thanks. 😊 how long do I need to leave them to dry before I store them away?

Those look pretty dry to me. When the seeds come away like that then they’re ready. Put the seeds in a paper envelope /bag so they don’t sweat.

@jendren ok great. Thanks. Will collect some more and hope I get good flowers next year!! 😊


My husband used to save all his marigold seeds to sow the next year

@carolgs I've never collected and sown my own seeds before so looking forward to collecting seeds from different plants and seeing what happens when I plant them. 😊

Exciting new adventures for you! it still surprises me when seeds germinate 😊
Early Summer 2018

Two gorgeous flowers. Love the two-tone petals. 💛😊 #french-marigolds #safarimix
Early Summer 2018

An original bloom from the plug plant. Waiting for new buds now. #summerblooms #safarimix #french-marigolds
#longflowering #french-marigolds #safarimix These have been excellent after growing them from saved seed. 08/10/19
@anges I’ve not forgotten to send you seeds. Still collecting new ones to send out 😊
Thanks Alison 😊🧡❤💛
Seeds sown 03/05/20