Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blushing Bride'
Hydrangea 'Blushing Bride'
Early Summer 2019
- 1
Late Winter 2018
- 5
Mid Winter 2017
- 7

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blushing Bride'
Early Summer 2019
Late Winter 2018

So this decided to die up... and this is how I feel about it. https://youtu.be/CYksb4MyiAs

Cute cartoon

Mr. Hydrangea your behavior is unacceptable!!!

sad but thanks for all the flower show pictures

I’ve been having sh!t luck with hydrangeas since this past summer. 🤷🏻♂️
Mid Winter 2017

Inflo starting to bud. This was cloned from a mother plant I dug out of my mom’s yard. Started it a little too late and had to over-winter it inside. It should be very ready to plant in its permanent home come May 1st.


It was the last standing after my Chesapeake Bay retriever decided they were there for him to pee on. As you can imagine, just about any plant in a pot doesn’t stand a snowballs chance with an animal peeing in it. I was so so mad.

I’m thinking of trying hydrangeas. There such a pretty flower and my agriculture professor grows them!! Your right about my Camellia but it said 0-10 for cold hardiness but that’s probably in the group🤔🤔😢. So I guess I’ll repot her very soon in a larger pot with a lot of cedar mulch and keep her protected on my back porch. I might put her in front and cover with plant cover blanket at night

@BobWallace. I hate when my dogs want to pee on my pots. Thank good I only have short but all males. A Yorkshire Terrior a pug and a 26 lb. mutt who isn’t so bad about peeing on my pots but he learned better these other guys are slow learners but usually my pots aren’t that small. I didn’t realize your new. I’ve been with GT since spring of 2017 I think. There’s so many great kind plant/flower people who’ll help with advice,tips,website,laughter it’s great.

@terrimclaughlin what zone are you in? You’re probably okay with the Camellia potted south of Z7. I’m fairly confident in saying that. In zone 7 I wouldn’t say it’s out of the question but not reliable over time. We do have our harsh ones. Yes I am new here. Ive kinda been looking for a gardening community to ask questions when I need to. And fill the winter void that sets in for us folks in colder climates. I stay so on top of my gardening, I have very few things going on growing wise.

@BobWallace you’re in the right place! 😉 I like to check out the recommended people link and sometimes change the location to worldwide so that I can see some blooms on the warm/sunny side of the world right now. 😉
Finally got some blooms on this baby. Took a few seasons to get it going after rescuing it from where my mother originally planted it. Really took a sun beating with our stupid hot streak this year though. But still going strong.