Trachycarpus 'Wagnerianus'
Early Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

Right garden folk. So it appears that I have a palm thingy (technical term obv! 😉) and knowing how large these beauties can grow. This one is very close to my front fence. So my question to all of you lovely people is, if I dig this up now and move it to a new home in my back garden, will it survive do you think or am I best waiting till autumn/spring when it's dormant?? Help please be most appreciated #thxinadvance 😀

Ive just noticed this. Id say its safe to move. They are tough old plants. Moving it now will allow it to establish itself into its new home. A good feed and lots of water 🙂👍

Thanks @broughgardens, I shall move it then in the next few weeks. 😀
So, I was outside cutting my laurel bush and I left my shears outside for a while. My middle child came in and asked if he could cut the grass with them. I agreed under the premise he didn't hurt himself and ONLY cut the grass. Last night was a bit manic so this morning I go outside to retrieve my shears, only to find my darling child has cut the leaves off my newly sprouting palm. #guttedorwhat! To say I am marginally miffed is an understatement! Pfft!!
Nooooo! 😱😱😱
I know! 😭 To be fair though, I should have removed the shears before getting carried away with the usual evening madness of bedtime for the kids. Note to self:- do not leave shears around for idle fingers. 😟