Hylotelephium Sieboldii var. Sieboldii
Hylotelephium 'Sieboldi'
Late Winter 2017
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 5

Hylotelephium Sieboldii var. Sieboldii
Late Winter 2017
Early Autumn 2017

Sedum Sieboldii! Very gorgeous! And just about to bloom. I am very excited. 😁 #succulent #pinkflowers #SedumSieboldii #sedum #plants

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I think this dies right down and you will think it died if its the same as mine.Mine is in a hanging basket and is stunning when it is thick and in flower.Then i thought it died.Suddenly i noticed tiny little cabbage like growths on the surface and then they grew long and tada they grew back to the same stunning plant again 😆

Yesss! All my sedums well the hylotelephium ones all died back. Scared the hell out of me thought I killed them all. Tried for weeks to "save" them 😂 silly me. They were one of the first succulents I got so was a bit of learning to do! Luckily I'm apart of great groups like on this app and people can let me know hahaha! Thanks @Muzz67

Did they come back ??
This was taken a while ago. Maybe at the start of winter or just before. New growth from my Sedum Sieboldii! So gorgeous! So exciting! 😁🌱🌵 #sedum #sedumsieboldii #macro #photography #succulent #succulents #cute #rosette #new-growth #growth #baby #hylotelephium