Late Autumn 2017
Mid Autumn 2017

Seeing yours made me want to share mine @icedance

Ooh that's way prettier Nick 😍💕

Ooooooh!! That's a beauty !!💘😍

Thanks Sam. Feels like the flowers arent what they used to be and I only got it about 3 weeks ago @icedance

Thank you Shelley 😊 it was one those moments, late night trip to the shops for some krispy kremes and this came home too! @ShelleySnyder


I'm no expert Nick but I wonder if it's trying to get used to the central heating ? Might be worth putting it on a tray of damp shallow pebbles to increase the humidity?

🤔 Its stays next to my kitchen sink with the peace lily and little bonsai, I spray them regulaly too. Perhaps it is just coming to the end of flowering @icedance

I will try the tray anyway, would be nice to prolong its flowering @icedance

Hopefully that's all then Nick 🤞🙂

Worth a go 👍

Got it from tesco for about a fiver. Best thing is I havent killed it yet lol @Lai