Dianthus plumarius
Mid Spring 2022
Early Summer 2017

My planter full of dianthus. It comes back thicker and fuller each year. It takes over almost any other thing I plant! There is woodland phlox on one end and red coleus, columbine, tickseed, and a few other perennials that I can't remember on the other side. But the entire middle is purple dianthus. Anything I plant there is quickly overrun. @gracehong Here you go! #dianthus #sweetwilliam #planter #annuals #annualsthaatactlikeperrenials #summer #takingover #purple #pink

Wow! That's really amazing. Thinning time I guess! 😆 But it does look good! Thanks for sharing 🌸💖

@gracehong Thinning for sure! I think I need to move some of the perennials too. They are spreading and putting them in the planter was a poor choice. Live and learn, garden and grow. Lol.

@camilio81 Haha I guess that's how it goes! At least you haven't killed them! I think a better problem to have too many than to have none 😄👍🏼 You must be doing something right!
#dianthus #sweetwilliams #red
So pretty ♥️
All of your stuff is so far ahead of mine!! I'm just in awe!
@KariSamuel it’s been 90+ degrees here for the last 3 days! 🥵☀️
Unseasonably warm here too.