Hoya carnosa 'Krimson Princess' syn. Hoya carnosa 'Rubra'
Hoya Krimson Princess Number 3
Mid Autumn 2020
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Mid Autumn 2020
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Hoya carnosa 'Krimson Princess' syn. Hoya carnosa 'Rubra'
Mid Autumn 2020
Mid Autumn 2020

My mom gave this to me, she didn’t want it anymore. It’s vining and has some light pink in some of the foliage. She had it outside in the sun and it was not doing well. PlantID #viningplant #help #rescue

It's a #hoya maybe #hoyacarnosa

Hoya 'Krimson Princess'

I was thinking hoya also April, go to the hashtag and encyclopedia and see if you can find it!💘😍

One of my absolute favorite hoya. They are just beautiful! I think, it's also called a Rubra. And I've read that when it puts out a solid green vine, then that's a different cultivar!

@cyndi would maybe be okay in a bathroom window?

I think that’s it, guys! #hoya #krimsonprincess Thanks everyone!!
Just thought I’d share an update with y’all about the Hoya my mom gave me. She has been repotted and now sits in my front window. Keeping the kittens out of it can be a challenge, but they are learning. Her name is Aunt Louise since she came from my aunt’s porch before she passed last year. Hope I do right by her!! #hoya #krimsonprincess #sentimental
Never seen one of these before.
@cyndi thanks! I have a little trellis in there, might look into the tomato cage though. I have some stones. Great idea!! Thank you so much! I didn’t know her well and she passed last year, but she was special to my mom and I’ve been told that we are similar. I am so glad I could rescue this lovely Hoya!!