Cydonia Oblonga
Early Spring 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 6
Mid Spring 2018
- 4
Early Spring 2017
- 5
Early Summer 2016
- 3
Mid Spring 2016
- 2

Cydonia Oblonga
Early Spring 2019
Mid Autumn 2018

First attempt at #quince jelly?! Supposed to improve with age and good with cheeses so Christmas supper we will have a taste test?!?


Love it with cheese. Also add some to my gravy sometimes too! 😋

Very good on toast as well and adding to gravy. Makes a lovely tart with puff pastry, bacon and cheese as well. Enjoy

I look forward to coming round for Christmas to try it 😉

Welcome anytime @lexijane 🧀 🍷 oh @rachelbrooks and @lydiastirling in gravy sounds good 😋
Mid Spring 2018

#floweringquince has recovered from its massive hack back last year - phew got away with it again 😂 have a wonderful Wednesday everyone

Gorgeous ❤️

Lovely ❤️ glad to see it survived ☺️

Gorgeous colour. They are indestructible I think. I’ve been trying to get rid of one of mine for 13 years and it still comes back! 😂
Early Spring 2017

#quince phew another survivor of my hatchet style pruning! It was getting tangled so kill or cure!?

Hi Carole, good to know they are capable of surviving a good hacking. My other half did something similar for the same reasons, and I wasn't so convinced it would survive, but you never know! 🌱😄

@coneyBrae I'm not sure Monty would recommend it but I think some plant survive better than others, so far roses Rhododendrons, snowball trees and now quince are on my survival list 😂 good luck I'm sure it will be all the better for it!!

Oh this is one I just hack (I mean prune 😬) as and when I think it needs it! It never complains 👍🏼

Was just given a cutting of one similar to this one, it's planted just cross fingers now and wait! 👍😃
Early Summer 2016

So first fruit I've notice on this quince bush - any suggestions besides quince jelly what to do with them!? 🤔🤔

Quince jam?

Mmh thought that was gonna be my only choices @zylo - I'll research and give it a go!
Mid Spring 2016

This was really woody when we first inherited, it survived my kill or cure pruning style!

They do respond well to pruning. #pruning #quince
#blossom on the #quince bush