Echinops ritro 'Veitch's Blue'
Globe Thistle 'Veitch's Blue'
Early Summer 2020
- 2
Late Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Summer 2019
- 6
Early Summer 2018
- 6
Late Summer 2017
- 10

Echinops ritro 'Veitch's Blue'
Early Summer 2020
Late Autumn 2019

#foliagefriday #frost #globethistle
Mid Summer 2019

The #globethistle are really taking off now after a couple of slow years.. have a lovely Friday everyone 😊

Thanks, you too 💙💙

They give me such happy memories 😊

@carolgs so many plants do don’t they? Souvenirs from days out with friends, plants bought in memory, gifted from friends, or just childhood gardens... hope you are recuperating well xx

Thank you yes it's just boring, stitches come out next Thursday, trying to be good but it's so difficult!!

@carolgs good is boring as we know 😉😉
Early Summer 2018

Oh love these - 2nd year and so many more globes! Happy Tuesday everyone 😊

Great photo Carole. Happy Tuesday to you too 👋😊👌

Morning Carole super shot 💙💚☺️

Morning... I love these Carole saw some lovely ones at Kew on Sunday this is going on my wish list 😍 mind you not sure where I shall find room to put it 😆

Awh thank you lovelies @Jasonsparkes1 @flof1952 and @nessas 😊😊😊 Awh hope you enjoyed Kew @janric last time we went was for the Christmas lights - they were AMAZING! And these are nice and high so can be under planted, so shouldn’t be a problem 😂😊

Loved Kew Carole thank you, need to go back and see more it was just too hot Sunday we were melting 😓 Christmas lights sound lovely maybe we will go back to see them this year 🤔 @carolecuttingitfine
Late Summer 2017

My one and only globe on my #purple #globethistle 😂 - hope it survives the winter and produces more next year! Happy bank holiday Sunday 😊

Definitely one for my wishllist @carolecuttingitfine its lovely

Well hopefully next year it will be @jpea 😊the camera was on super zoom 😂

They are really easy to grow from seed if you let this flower head go to seed. I got them everywhere as they selfseed all the time in my garden 😊

Oh brilliant thanks @angiecrazycatlady I bought a little tuber in a packet and this is the extent of it this year! Do you save the seeds and sow them or let them self seed?

I strates off saving seeds and sowing them as i only had one plant too, then the ones I'd down i planted in dry soil that wasn't as rich in nutrients as my other border and they love it and now self seed. If you plant them in too good soil the can get leggy and not produce as many flowers. So treat em mean to keep em keen 😂

Ah thanks - that's sounds about right for my garden @angiecrazycatlady healthy neglect! I've high hopes for next year now 😂

Well it's certainly done better than mine that I sowed! I resorted to buying some ready mades, so hopefully they'll spread themselves about a bit! 😉

That's what I end up doing @rachelbrooks sow the seeds and if they don't succeed off to the garden centre! Hopefully next year we will both be awash with them!?

Trouble is I've done it with several things Carole...I haven't got room as it is, so if they all decided to appear/self seed I'll be overrun! 🙈😂
Love how symmetrical these are 💙
Perfection in blue 💙💙