Narcissus 'Tête-à-Tête'
Daffodil 'Tête-à-Tête' (Misc)
Late Winter 2022
- 5
Mid Winter 2022
- 8
Mid Winter 2020
- 2
Late Winter 2019
- 5
Late Winter 2018
- 8
Late Winter 2017
- 8

Narcissus 'Tête-à-Tête'
Late Winter 2022
Mid Winter 2022

Well that was a hoolie! 14 hours without electricity, cut off by fallen trees but all calm now.. so time to move the pots back from the covered deck, remove the weights from the trampoline, and check the greenhouse! Hope you are all safe and well

Glad you are all safe and back on the grid🤗. We got off lightly here, well in my garden at least, only a fence panel down. It was quite scary watching the gusts of wind charging through the trees at such a force.

Glad your alright Carol the footage that’s been on the news has been awful…your cheery daffs are lovely perfect for today they always bring a smile! 💛💚

Awh thank you @cee we were surprisingly ok too! Although I’ve never run so fast as when there was a big crack from the oak tree in the chicken run 🤣 but such a nuisance for you to lose a fence panel.. @mich it’s been very rough here in Devon… as it has been across a lot of the south but amazing how resilient the flowers are…

Beautiful .. all quiet for the time being , you saw my story !! Glad you have everything back on x

@juliesgarden I’m still traumatised by your story so goodness know how you both are! 😱

Aww we’re ok , both very thankful, someone must have been watching over him ☺️😘😘

Absolutely @juliesgarden 😘
Mid Winter 2020

First of the #daffodil-tete-a-tete to bloom #winterwonders

Spring must be coming Carole 💛
Late Winter 2019

I’m not a massive fan of all daffodils 🌼 but I love these #tete-a-tete 💛 feels like spring is coming!!! And it’s officially GardenTags “late winter” whoooo hooo getting there!

Same here @carolecuttingitfine but since I started gardening/reading lol my whole outlook has changed 💐but now new life is always lovely to watch

Whoohoo, I must admit I didn’t notice that when I posted earlier 💛💛

Morning favourite daffodils 🌼, so cute 💛💛 Have a lovely day 😍

A sure sign! 🌼🌼🌼
Late Winter 2018

My favourite daffodils are #tete-a-tete, they are emerging unscathed through all the thawing snow ❄️ have a wonderful Wednesday everyone 😊

Oh mine too Carole 💛💛 🙌, have a fab day

Morning Carole, they are lovely. Have a good one yourself. 💛💛

Mine too! Such happy little daffs! 💛

Ahhh great to see Carole spring just might be around the corner 😬☺️🌼🌼

Absolutely @nessas after a false start here’s hope it’s really on it’s way now!

Better blinking had be otherwise I’m emigrating 😬😬💃🏼💃🏼👙🌞🌞

And I’m coming with you @nessas !! 😂
Late Winter 2017

#teteatete first #daffodil 🌼 of the season #springiscoming

👍👏 lovely. I have just one on the brink of opening. Maybe tomorrow when the wind arrives 😬

Oh it's already arrived here @susanhumphrey333 💨💦💨 we have been away for a couple of days and they are now on the point of bursting open!! Can't believe how quickly things change in a couple of days! Hope you get a colourful display soon!

Will be moving my pots undercover. Can't do much about the stuff planted in the garden though. Stay safe 👍

My favourite daffs Carole 💛😍

Looking very pretty! Mine are just coming into bud and I hope they'll look as beautiful as this!

You too @susanhumphrey333 !! Thank you @bigemrg hopefully not long now! And yes mine too @juliesgarden prefer them to the traditional daffs as they can be a bit "blousey" for me.. however the garden is full of traditional types of all descriptions!

Yay! 🌼🌼🌼
The pots of #daffodil-tete-a-tete are fully in bloom having survived the storms - what a difference a week makes - such a glorious day today here in Devon. Have a lovely Friyay!
Morning favourites 💛
Morning @juliesgarden me too they are more delicate and not so blousey as full size ones (although I don’t mind that I’ve inherited a garden full of full size ones 🤣)
😂😂 .. yep 👍🏻
Pretty 💛