Paeonia x suffruticosa 'Jing Yu' syn. Paeonia x suffruticosa 'Xue Ta', Paeonia x suffruticosa 'Sai Xue Ta'
Tree Peony 'Jing Yu'
Early Spring 2022
- 3
Mid Spring 2020
- 3
Early Spring 2020
- 3
Late Winter 2020
- 5
Late Winter 2019
- 4
Mid Spring 2018
- 3
Mid Spring 2017
- 11
Early Spring 2017
- 6
Late Winter 2017
- 10
Mid Spring 2016
- 2

Paeonia x suffruticosa 'Jing Yu' syn. Paeonia x suffruticosa 'Xue Ta', Paeonia x suffruticosa 'Sai Xue Ta'
Early Spring 2022
Mid Spring 2020

Tree peony starting to bud!

I've never heard of Tree Peonys. This is going to look gorgeous! 💛

Oooh that's a big one! Mines a tiddler but it's got a big red bud! 😊😊♥️♥️
Early Spring 2020

The #treepeony unfurling is so beautiful.. stay safe and stay well everyone

Wow that’s gonna be a whopper...

That's looking really good 🌞🌞♥️♥️
Late Winter 2020

#newgrowth #signsofspring #treepeony

Is that a flower bud I spy right in the middle?

Oh great spot @Hellebore I’ll check properly! Exciting..

It does like one 👍 @Hellebore

Looking good 😊😊♥️♥️
Late Winter 2019

How amazing are #tree-peonies as they start to reveal themselves?! From dead stick to intricate leaf structure!


Thank you @awomanonabike the sunshine caught it just right 😊

Mid Spring 2018

Yeah!! Flowers on the tree peony. Have a right royal day everyone 😊 #mayflowers


You too 💛💛
Mid Spring 2017

Whilst checking for frost damage I spotted this about to pop - after 3 years of nothingand pretending to be a deadstick all winter looks like I'm going to get my first bloom!! #peony my most pampered plant!

Great feeling, thought I had lost mine as it did not flower last year, but this year I have two blooms@carolcuttingitfine.

Ahh must be the year for them @greengrub - hope yours stays safe from the frost! This is my first bloom ever as my friend grew it from seed about 5 years ago!

What a wonderful surprise Carole @carolecuttingitfine looks like it's going to be a lovely sunshine yellow let's hope it's a sign of things to come 💛. Hope you have a lovely day 😘

Yaaay, great Carole , I feel your excitement 💛💛

Thank you @jadojado29 love a quick wander in the garden to start the day! If I survive my grandsons gym class - grandma participation compulsory - it'll be an amazing day!? Have a fabby day yourself 😊

Thank you @juliesgarden yes it has been said that I'm an easy book to read 😂😂😂😂

😂 Good luck with the exercise Carole @carolecuttingitfine i feel your pain already 😉😘

Fantastic Carole. Will be worth all the pampering I'm sure 🤗

Looks like it's going to be fantastic !!

Early Spring 2017

This tree peony has been given so much attention and rewarded me by pretending to be a dead stick after I left it out over winter! But after 3 years of waiting #buds actual buds!!! Treat 'em mean make 'em keen to flower 🌺

😂😂😂love it. All good things come to those whom wait eh? 👍🏻 @carolecuttingitfine

@jacq1075 mmh patience not normally my forte but was determined not to be beaten 😏

See patience is a virtue 👍👍

And it paid off Carole 👌👌👌

Woohoo! 👍🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Late Winter 2017

This #treepeony has been doing an impersonation of a dead stick for months! #newgrowth phew!

Crazy aren't they, I got a "dead stick" last year from a friend. It's just starting to leaf up, hoping to find out what colour it is this year. Enjoy!

😂😂 ah the relief! 👍🏼

I've had it 3 years and still don't know what colour the flowers are! @LynnS and yes @rachelbrooks I took a gamble and left it out over winter and thought I'd lost it! That peony has had far too much attention for no reward! It's so precocious! 😏

Oh this must be the year then Carole! 😬👍🏼🌸🌸🌸

Mmmmh @rachelbrooks not holding my breath! 😉

Ya never know! 👍🏼👍🏼

I think I have your dead stick's twin 🙄 @carolecuttingitfine

Keep the faith @katesmck 😉🙏

Thanks for the warning @carolecuttingitfine . I guess it's a plant where patience is a virtue 😉
Mid Spring 2016

I didn't think this was going to survive the winter but it did!

What a glorious weekend and how it’s made the buds appear on the #treepeony
Morning Carole…spring has certainly sprung !! 🌸🎉
Morning @juliesgarden 👋🏼