Passiflora caerulea 'Clear Sky'
Passiflora 'Clear Sky'
Late Autumn 2019
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Late Autumn 2017
- 5
Mid Autumn 2017
- 5
Early Summer 2017
- 9

Passiflora caerulea 'Clear Sky'
Late Autumn 2019
Late Autumn 2017

#passionflower has been flowering for 20 weeks (according to GardenTags) and still producing the odd bloom despite a truly horrible day yesterday, hope it’s a better Tuesday for everyone 😊

Such amazing blooms! 💜💚💛

Aren’t they @rachelbrooks and @scaryskates they look so delicate and exotic yet are very hardy!

Afternoon Carole beautiful pic,just love these plants 💜💚💛💜💚💛

I got a new flower on mine a couple of days ago and it still has buds on it. Aren't they fabulous Carole 😍😍
Mid Autumn 2017

Still going strong! Love how exotic and delicate this looks but is so robust! Happy Tuesday everyone 😊

Beautiful Carole 💜💜💜

Amazing flowers! 💜🙌🏼

Afternoon Carole, so lovely 😍😍😍

Early Summer 2017

After all the amazing #passionflower post last year my friend gave me a cutting and I've just discovered the first flower!! So excited and it's so intricate 😊

The design of this flower is so fascinating

Oh how brill! 👍🏼👏🏼 They are amazing flowers 💜💚 I took a cutting from my late FIL's last year, I'm really hoping to get a little flower this year 🤞🏼

Yay brilliant Carole just stunning,love these flowers 😘🤗👍

@carolecuttingitfine I discovered two self seeded Passion flowers on my weekend tidy up, potted up and 🤞stunning flowers 🌺🌸🌺

Amazing aren't they @daisy-jane - wow what a find @acermad and they seem quite easy to root @rachelbrooks considering they look so exotic!

Oh it's going great guns! 👍🏼 I'm sure it even put on growth in the coldframe over the winter! I'm not expecting a flower this year, but it'd be nice if I get one 👍🏼

I only was given this at the very end of the summer and it's been out all winter @rachelbrooks so I would inspect yours for flowers! They are only small so not obvious I only spotted it because my friend who gave it to me was over... so it reminded me!

Ooh I'll have a look tomorrow then! 😬👍🏼
What a surprise! Thought I’d lost this one a couple of years ago, so I planted a slightly different variety in the same spot and was shocked to find this one flowering yesterday!
Result!! 💜
👍🏻👍🏻 morning Carole 💙
I know @rachelbrooks - bonus! Morning @juliesgarden 👋