#pieris looking lovely in the sun.. grateful for our gardens more than ever, the world is catching up with us about the health benefits of a garden. Requests for seeds and pots spotted amongst the ones for essentials in our various local support networks - we’ve dropped pots and homemade starter kits of seeds and labels, on a few doorsteps. Sharing the love.
We have a WhatsApp group for the hamlet we live in to get supplies so only one person is going to the village and someone mentioned seeds... and someone else put something on a village Facebook group then it snowballed @pelly
#pieris looking lovely in the sun.. grateful for our gardens more than ever, the world is catching up with us about the health benefits of a garden. Requests for seeds and pots spotted amongst the ones for essentials in our various local support networks - we’ve dropped pots and homemade starter kits of seeds and labels, on a few doorsteps. Sharing the love.
Great idea Carole @carolecuttingitfine We who have gardens are very fortunate 👍😍
What a fab idea Carole I salute you 👏👏👒😍
Certainly are @sho47 so appreciative of that now more than ever
Just responding to a few requests @Keely it’s what we gardeners do is it? share knowledge, experiences and cuttings! 😊
That's so kind of you Carole, I haven't seen anything like that near me, it's a great idea 😍
We have a WhatsApp group for the hamlet we live in to get supplies so only one person is going to the village and someone mentioned seeds... and someone else put something on a village Facebook group then it snowballed @pelly