Solanum lycopersicum 'Super Marmande'
Tomato 'Super Marmande'
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2016
- 19
Early Summer 2016
- 10
Mid Summer 2016
- 7

Solanum lycopersicum 'Super Marmande'
Mid Autumn 2018
Mid Summer 2016

bolognese sauce made from #gyo #tomato #basil #onions #chilli - 5litres from 5kg!!? Already had one daughter pop her name on a bottle guessing it won't be long before the other 2 drop in 😏

I'll be doing that soon I love pickling n chutney making @carolecuttingitfine .


I was forced into it today as the deep freeze was bursting! Enjoy @rosesforme when you get going!

Watch out Nandos hahaha

Did mine yesterday , 🍅🍅

Wow. Looks amazing

Looks lovely 😚😚😚

Looks fab. Can I ask where you got your bottles from ? Thanks

@CaroT they are recycled, either olive oil bottles or water bottles, just 2 Kilner bottles my daughter bought from home base

One for the wish list to try 👌🏻👍🏼

Excellent, thanks #carolecuttingitfine
Early Summer 2016

The sun worked wonders on my first #tomato of the season 🍅😊🌞

Well grown! That looks yum!

It's a corker 😊


#gyo #freshisbest


Lovely. Well done.

Fab colour and shape hope you get many more ☺

They are coming along nicely @dbligh 🍅🍅 this one was just way ahead of the field!
Mid Summer 2016

@TheGardenWife you inspired me to look closer and found this little beaut! Not going to making a Greek salad this weekend but it's a start! 🍅

Oh wow! 👏👍🌱

Get in 😉

Wow what a 🍅😍

Now that is BIG!

Looks fab, is this in the greenhouse?

@angiewilson yes in the greenhouse as are all but 3 of my plants - I ran out of room! My friend grew the beefsteak plants and gave them to me as 3 inch high seedlings as a swop for my moneymakers - I got the better deal 😏
#lastoftheseason #beefsteaktomato #tomato #emptygreenhouse 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 🍅