Zinnia elegans 'Orange King'
Late Summer 2019
Early Summer 2019

#zinnia #orange at last I’ve managed to get a decent amount of these to germinate.. So precious! Not too much water, not too little, don’t disturb the roots too much but luckily worth the effort!

Well done, I don't have much luck with them either 🌹🌹

I’ve sown them in peat pots @pelly so as not to disturb the roots and put them in a really well draining planter (mesh fire pit!) and hardly watered them at all, and are on the hottest part of the deck! I was determined to succeed this year after 4 or 5 years of poor results!

Thanks for the #advice Carole, I’ll save this to my wish list then hopefully I’ll remember next year 😍😍

Well done you! 👏🏼 They are finicky little fu...flowers! 🙊🤣
#wildlifewednesday the #zinnia are buzzing with bees 🐝 🧡😊
#bee #pollinator-friendly 🐝💕