Cornus alba 'Kesselringii'
Black-twig Dogwood
Early Winter 2020
- 7
Early Spring 2018
- 5
Early Winter 2018
- 4
Early Autumn 2017
- 5
Mid Autumn 2016
- 8

Cornus alba 'Kesselringii'
Early Winter 2020
Early Spring 2018


That’s Gorgeous Carol @carolgs 😍😘

Great colour Carol ❤️

Love it! ❤️💚❤️

Nice colours reminds me of rhubarb rock..👌🏼
Early Winter 2018

Took this pic a couple of days ago I would have to mud slide to it today so wet!!

Looks great, dogwood is on my wish list this year.

Great time for a mud pack carol 😂😂😂

Stunning! Absolutely love this plant 👌🏼❤️
Early Autumn 2017

This is mine @angiecrazycatlady

When youvsaidvit was bare you wasn't kidding 😂I love the stem colour. My one is midwinter fire with orange stems 😊

I've just got a small one of those (well a rooted cutting) not sure where I'm going to put it yet but look forward to seeing the leaves change next year if they look like yours @angiecrazycatlady

Mine has little white flowers in the summer so it even looks good then, I've heard you don't cut them right back hard like the red stem ones as they sulk so I've been cutting 1/3 back each year and it seems happy 😊

I'll remember that think it might be a few years yet before I need to do that though, this one I've never cut back hard just take out the older branches which aren't as bright cause I don't want to lose any height @angiecrazycatlady
Mid Autumn 2016

Glowing red stems looking good

I see what you mean @gjones and this is pretty spectacular :)

Wow 😳

Very striking. I love it😍

Wow factor 10 😊👌🏻

Wow! ❤️ mine is still full of leaves!

Great winter plant! ❤️ #red #wintercolour #cornus #dogwood #kesselringii

@carolgs I've done my research, picked out the spot, now I gotta get one!!
One of the best looking plants in my garden at the moment
Brilliant colour ❤️❤️
Looks red to me 🤔 i wonder who names these plants 🤦♂️
Gorgeous ❤️
Looking great but definitely red!?!?!😃
Brilliant, will now delete the above so number still remains private 😊