Mid Spring 2020
Mid Spring 2020

Wish I knew the variety of this little orphan. Got it in the winter from a nursery where it was all on its own and looking sad wit no label. They were going to discard it so I nursed it back to health. Love the faint blush of pink.

This is beautiful, do you know if lilac takes a few years to flower? I planted a small common purple one that's grown to about 4 feet high, looks healthy but no flowers 🤔

@gartons They do indeed take a few years to flower. Very frustrating but well worth the wait. Buying one in a 2Liter pot from your local garden center will take about two years for about 2 flowers. If it likes where its planted, it will take off. Ill post a photo of one I pulled from the edges of a common lilac 20 years ago.

Thank you, just want to be sure I'm not neglecting a beautiful tree.
@gartons this is the lilac I chopped one side shoot from with a little root 20 years ago. Not best photo but you get the idea. Also I has only been pruned 3 times. I dont do it every year.
This is gorgeous, thank you. I'll hang tough and see what happens. I grew up with lilac and pass a really old tree every summer in work, it's a thing of joy surrounded by concrete. Your garden is beautiful 😍
Thank You... its probably the oddest shaped site ever. But I am making the best I can of it with what I have.