Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha'
Hydrangea 'Ayesha'
Early Summer 2021
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Early Summer 2021
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Early Summer 2021
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Late Spring 2021
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Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha'
Early Summer 2021
Early Summer 2021

Full bloomin 🌸 #hydrangea #ayesha #lightpink #fullbloom #potted #summer-flowers #stephs-plant-patch

Beautiful 🤩

Stunning 💗💗💗💗
Early Summer 2021

Starting to get her beautiful pink flowers 💕 #hydrangea #ayesha #potted #flowers #palepink #palegreen #pretty #stephs-plant-patch


Ayesha is pretty.
Late Spring 2021

My hydrangea has started to flower for the first time, excited to see the flowers! #newblooms #firstflower #hydrangea-ayesha #pink #gorgeousgreenleaves #potted #stephs-plant-patch

@gjones fingers crossed 😁

How long has it been since you planted it? Looks beautifully green💚 I just planted 3 Nikko-blue plants this past spring. Guessing will have to wait till next spring to see 💙 blossoms👍

@crabby58 I planted it around last spring too or the end of summer but am not 100% sure 😂 these are its first blooms, so I too am looking forward to seeing it. The blue ones are gorgeous too! 💙

I planted my 3 bare root, they grew about a foot tall..from spring..now the frost hit..so won't see them come back till spring🤗 where are you at? We get the 4 seasons here, calling for snow showers tonight.

I live in New Zealand on the West coast of the South island. We get a lot of rain here, but the rugged native terrain is absolutely beautiful. Where are you? 🙂
Ayesha is thriving at the moment, such huge flower heads! 😍 #hydrangea #ayesha #pink #cupshapedflowers #hugeflowerhead #thriving #newbuds #potted #semishade #stephs-plant-patch