Lathyrus Odoratus 'Wuthering Heights'
Sweet Pea 'Wuthering Heights'
Early Spring 2020
- 2
Early Summer 2019
- 3
Early Summer 2019
- 8
Early Summer 2019
- 4
Mid Spring 2019
- 7
Late Winter 2019
- 5
Late Winter 2019
- 4
Mid Winter 2019
- 8
Mid Winter 2019
- 13
Mid Winter 2019
- 18
Late Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Summer 2018
- 4

Lathyrus Odoratus 'Wuthering Heights'
Early Spring 2020
Early Summer 2019

Pressing these today (05.07). Although pink, they are all Wuthering Heights, bar the one at the bottom right which is Painted Lady. You can tell the difference between the smaller heritage varieties (Painted lady has been bread since the 18th centure) and the modern cultivars. Very interesting.

You have flowers on your sweet peas 👏👏 I'm still waiting for mine to show signs of flowerbuds 😰

@ublaszko hang in there! 🌱🌱
Early Summer 2019

It's probably very likely I've accidently planted a few of the wrong variety but I don't remember Wuthering Heights being pink last year! Lovely suprise though, and the same delicious scent.

Great name for sweet peas ☺

@anges I know! Found it so hard to chose last spring that its the name that attracted me. Have found memories of my mother singing it 😂

I love Kate Bush! ☺ Also like the novel 😀

@anges Oh Gosh I daresay I forgot about the novel 😂 That's something Mum would not be proud of she loves the classics 🤣 Are you growing sweet peas this year?

Yes - Heirloom mix and Antique mix I think they're called. Only sowed them late so I'll have a wait 😁

@anges ooh i recognise the names! Well good luck with them!

Thanks Charlie 😊
Early Summer 2019

Sweet pead are finally getting a move on!

You have quite a few left! I only kept 3 of mine in the end because the other ones looked weak. I think I sowed them too early this year because I expected them to take longer to germinate than 6 days. Will know for next year to be patient 😅

@ublaszko Yeah mine looked weak too and were turninf yellow a few weeks ago but I fed them and they've shot up!! Unfortunatley this is only have the pack as the other half died at the allotment, as well as all but one of the other variety I grew. Will have to buy some plugs soon to fill the gaps :( I know the feeling too! As soon as we hit February I'm itching to get going although it still is too early really.

I was just looking at annuals in the local market to fill the gaps where my dead seedlings should have been 😁😁 I bought seed compost with John Innes but I'm not impressed with it. My seedlings were not growing strong enough and I doubt they would flower at this speed. Fortunately, looks like my sweet peas are not far until flowering.
Mid Spring 2019

Sweet peas are looking quite a state,I'm afraid I haven't been looking after them as much as I would have liked. A lot of them are tangled, strangling eachother,or starving to death. I've been putting off repotting them and hope to plant them out next weekend, although I know the soil they are in is practically dust at this point. Heyho! You learn, don't you? Perhaps I won't sow them so early next year and then they won't get too big to handle indoors too soon.

@charliebailey03 cut them back. They'll be easier to plant out and will make bushier plants

@trees.p ok! How far down do you think is best?

@charliebailey03 enough to get them untangled and more manageable

You can cut them back to just above the 2nd pair of leaves and plant them out as soon as you can. I sowed mine too early and ended up pinching them out twice! I've just planted them out in the garden this evening. Keep them watered and mix in some slow release feed or manure when you plant them out. You could also start some seeds outdoors now for flowers in late summer. 😊

@ublaszko will do! Thanks,i dont think i can stand watching them die when i know i cant put them out yet. Sort of related, can bluebells be dug up while in the green and safely transplanted elsewhere so i can put the sweet peas ib there place?

Not really the right time to dig up bluebells as they're just about to flower but if you're willing to sacrifice this year's flowers go ahead but keep them moist until the foliage dies back. 😊
Late Winter 2019

Is it re-potting they need or more water?

I would nip them out

Pinching out is required I would say (nip off the growing tip with your thumb and finger nails) so they are less leggy and to encourage them to be a bit bushier ☺💚👍

More light 👍 And lower temperatures. Pinch out above 2nd pair of leaves 😊

@jaynehynesburton @ublaszko @anges thanks!
Late Winter 2019

Only starting to notice this today but my sweet pea seedlings have begun to form a furry grey mould after moving them to the cool comservatory. Do you think this is dangerous? #toiletpapertubes #toiletpaperrolls

It's probably too much moisture/overwatering. I'd try and take the mouldy bits off and spray the soil with fungicide to control the spread. Also, let the top of the soil dry out between waterings ☺ I've just been cleaning a pot of convallaria I'm trying to grow indoors which I've overwatered and now it's got mould on the stems 😭

Is it the plant or the toilet tubes with the mould? If just the tubes try wiping each tube with a cloth and kitchen worktop spray then giving each rube a little more room. I used the tubes last year and I know you need a few to keep them upright but had similar problem so this year used tubes in normal seedling trays, the connected square type sorry can’t think what they are called. 😴

This happened to my tubes too I think because probably too much moisture. I think at this stage I started potting them up so the cardboard ended up being surrounded by compost anyway.
Mid Winter 2019

#toiletpapertubes #toiletpaperrolls Sweet peas germinated! So far only 57% germination success, but that could be down to seed I harvested last year not being ready.

@lydiastirling @ublaszko

Looking good I hope the rest of your seed comes up.

@lydiastirling thanks!

Exciting 🤗

We usually end up sowing too many seeds anyway 😁😂 You could try covering the next lot with cling film and tying it loosely around the pots as that will help keep the warmth in for the seeds to germinate. I haven't done my sweet pees yet. ☺ Once most of the seeds germinate, move the seedlings to a cool place so they don't grow leggy 😊

@ublaszko good tip! Thanks 😁

Mid Winter 2019

#toiletpapertubes First round of sweet peas are in! I've watered them with a mister, is there an easier way?

@bluefox23 @lydiastirling

I have a watering can cap that fits on the top of fuzzy drink bottles and use that its slot easier. Like these

I would've thought spray nozzle would end up watering the seedlings but it's better to water the soil around the roots and avoid watering the foliage. Moist foliage increases risk of powdery mildew which sweet peas are susceptible to. Could you use a water bottle instead?

Was just thinking you could cover the pots with cling film and tie it loosely with a twine. It would keep the warmth and moisture in until the seeds germinate and then you could remove the film and move the seedlings to a cool place. They don't need light at this stage.

@lydiastirling those look so useful! Thanks!

@ublaszko I had a little watering can I use for my houseplants 😊

@ublaszko Good idea! Like a mini propagator!

Your welcome I got mine at RHS Cardiff flower show but you should be able to get them for not much. I think I played about £1ish each . So a lot cheaper than buy a watering can a

Yes, I think I actually read about the cling film in a guide about what to use if you don't have a heated propagator.

@ublaszko interesting!

Yes I often use cling film to cover seedlings till they start growing leaves. 😊 @ublaszko
Mid Winter 2019

First seed sowing of 2019! These sweet peas are soaking for 24 hours before sowing tomorrow, trying out used toilet roll cardboard as a non-plastic pot - inspired by the legendary Monty Don! 09/02/2019

It worked for me and @lydiastirling

#recycling #tolietpaperholderpots #toiletpapertubes

@bluefox23 Fantastic! Can't wait!

I've also got nasturtiums seeds in toilet roll tubes I would recommend making sure you have the pointy end where it unravels from at the bottom not the top otherwise it will unroll when the card gets wet. My sweet peas are going very well and you get really nice long roots

@lydiastirling Thank you for the advice - that's very helpful!! 😁😁

Your welcome 🙂

Snap! Soaked mine last night 🤞

Monty Don said there's no difference whether or not you soak them beforehand so you can go ahead and plant them straight away 😊

@ublaszko Oh no haha! I do vaguely remember that now actually! No worries, gives me something to do tomorrow - thanks 😁

I'm rewatching old episodes of Gardener's World and every March Monty sows his sweet peas like a clockwork 😁😁

@ublaszko I have been watching them too! I re-watched last years until I got to the point when it was too recent and realised I remember it all, so I went back to 2017 and am at about June now - do you know when it's back on?
Late Summer 2018

Absolutley in love with my sweet peas and their magnificent long stems!

Pretty posy💜💜✨
Mid Summer 2018

They look fantastic! Don’t forget to keep cutting the flowers so they keep producing more 💕🌸

Oh! And welcome to GardenTags! It’s a brilliant app and has created a great community of gardeners from all over the world and of all ages and abilities 😍

@awomanonabike thank you!

You’re welcome! 😊
It's that time of the year again 🌱🌱
@cyndi ledgend