Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'
Hydrangea 'Annabelle'
Early Summer 2021
- 3
Early Summer 2020
- 6
Early Summer 2019
- 6
Early Summer 2018
- 2
Early Summer 2017
- 3

Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'
Early Summer 2021
Early Summer 2020

Huge already. Almost in full bloom. 💚🤍💚


Massive and lovely

Wow, that’s a big meatball


@jmlincoln @debsgarden99 @Kelliann @anges Thanks, ladies! Wish I could take some credit but this has to be the lowest maintenance plant ever! Just does it’s own thing, perfectly, every single year! 🙂
Early Summer 2019

I cannot believe how insanely large my hydrangea are this year! 💚 This flower is close to the size of my head!

Mine have done well this year too. Think it was all the extra rain we got this year.

My rose flowers are like that this year. Incredible!

Mine are huge too! I will post and tag you! As big as my head!!

I would love to get one but they are so big I don’t have a spot. Are they full sun?

@Kelliann Mine are in part-shade. They are next to a fence and part-way under a medium-sized tree. I would encourage you to try this variety or a similar one in part-shade. They are quite hearty, and while they can get large, they are extremely easy to cut back. No more than five minutes each fall.
Early Summer 2018

Still a bit green, but almost there! #hydrangea

Gorgeous 👍
Early Summer 2017

I love the coloured varieties, but I think white hydrangeas have their own charm.

@gjones The species is Hydrangea arborescens (smooth hydrangea). It's very low maintenance. 👌🏽 I'm not sure what the variety is, unfortunately.

It's looks like an Annabelle Hydrangea@cheerfulandLiterate
I struggled to take a photo that would show the size of this, even with my hand, given it is so thick and so wide. It is larger than a dinner plate and probably six inches high. It has to be my largest one ever.
Wow 😳, that's a real big bunch👍
😍😍😍 gorgeous!